What a US/Israeli backed state looks like

Egypt, February 2011. Robert Tait writes in the Guardian: The sickening, rapid click-click-clicking of the electrocuting device sounded like an angry rattlesnake as it passed within inches of my face. Then came a scream of agony, followed by a pitiful whimpering from the handcuffed, blindfolded victim as the force of the shock propelled him across…

Obama unsure whether to support Egyptian democracy or ball crushers

Thankfully the Los Angeles Times doesn’t mince words when writing about Washington’s response to the Egyptian uprising: The Obama administration’s shifting response to the crisis in Egypt reflects a sharp debate over how and when Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should leave office, a policy decision that could have long-term implications for America’s image in the…

Who do Egyptians trust to bring them democracy?

Not the West, says Robert Fisk. The Palestinians would certainly agree: AMY GOODMAN: Well, what about the U.S. relationship with the military? I was talking to someone in a government agency in Washington, and they were deeply concerned, saying, “How do we counter the image that we’ve actually been supporting this despot for 30 years?”…

War, war and war; Israeli head calls for more of it

What a headline in Ynet: “Army Chief Ashkenazi: Prepare for all-out war“. This is code for the Arab world, in a country like Egypt, actually wanting to pick their own leaders and not be ruled by Zionist-friendly rulers. Get used to the new neighbourhood, Tel Aviv.

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