No wonder Egyptians don’t trust the West, why should they?

Robert Fisk on the infantile comments of our leaders towards the Egyptian streets. Perhaps it’s time to throw out our democratically-elected men with some serious people. They couldn’t be much more obsequious: Only when the power of youth and technology forced this docile Egyptian population to grow up and stage its inevitable revolt did it…

Finally, what Washington cares about in Arab world; maintaining Zionism

At least the New York Times and Obama administration are honest; for them, Egypt is all about Israel, Israel and Israel: The demonstrations against President Hosni Mubarak’s government in Egypt are rocking the relationship between the United States and its most important Arab ally. But they are also rocking an even more fundamental relationship for…

Beijing should be scared

Censoring content will never work in the long run: …The New Yorker‘s Evan Osnos points out. China’s 457 million Internet users (and 180 million bloggers) can no longer use the Chinese word for “Egypt” in microblogs or search engines. The government’s goal is to pre-empt any contagion effect that popular uprisings against autocracy in the…

Standing with the Egyptian people in Sydney

I was there today, in the heart of Sydney, on a sweltering day showing solidarity with the millions of Egyptians demanding change. No to Mubarak. No to Israeli/US backing of Arab dictatorships: Hundreds of demonstrators have staged an emotion-charged rally in Sydney demanding that beleaguered Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stand down. In a passionate outpouring…

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