Not all Jews want to embrace Arab dictators

Jewish Voice for Peace, a US-based group, is starting to be heard in a big way. The New York Times covers them below. Furthermore, note the contrast to mainstream Zionist groups, backing repression because it supposedly benefits Israel. That really helps the brand, people: Hundreds of people, mostly Arab-Americans, are expected to gather Saturday in…

Watching the US empire crumble in the Arab world, live on TV

How is America viewed in the Arab world, especially Egypt? Ancient, reactionary, dictator-loving, Zionist obsessed and increasingly incapable of influencing events. This is a wonderful thing, as Washington’s main contribution to the Middle East in the last sixty years has been backing brutes and supporting Israeli occupation. Change: In days gone by, it was pretty…

Jews don’t have a monopoly on victimhood?

Reading some in the Israeli press, you would think the Egyptian uprisings are all about Israel and maintaining its fiction of “democracy” in the Middle East. In other words, democracy for Jews but hell for Arabs. Bradley Burston in Haaretz outlines the well-worn Zionist lines (repeated ad nauseum by the Zionist lobby and many Jews…

Helping Mubarak sell his torture-techniques in the West

Friends can be bought: The dramatic events in Egypt this past week have left a coterie of top Washington lobbyists quietly scurrying to respond to the unexpected developments in the nation they represent, caught off guard by the apparent end to President Hosni Mubarak’s long reign. By some estimates, Egypt spends close to $2 million…

New Zealand PM says foreign policy dictated by keeping Israel happy

The country’s Jewish Prime Minister, John Key, was on a TV breakfast program earlier in the week and made it very clear that democracy in the Arab world was a threat to Israeli apartheid. “Stability” and “moderation” are two vastly over-used words; they simply mean keeping Arabs oppressed to please Israel. No more: Key: It’s…

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