Mark my words; a day will come when Palestinians will rise as one

Amira Hass on the infrastructure of control imposed by Israel on the Palestinians and she asks; Sooner or later, the protective nets the Israeli tyranny has excelled at creating will tear. Will the masses flood the streets then, will they break through the barriers and roadblocks, march to Sheikh Jarrah, Silwan and Psagot, as my…

Portrait of an Egyptian hero

He’s just one fine man. I met and spent time with Hossam elHamalawy in Cairo during the research for my book The Blogging Revolution. Thinking about this over the last week, I’m proud to have documented the then small but growing movement of web dissent in the US and Israeli-backed dictatorship. It was those seeds…

The neo-con corruption of Judaism

Part 7653: Mainstream media coverage, especially in the United States, has been filled with misleading tales. With help from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and pro-Israel commentators, the regime has distracted many outlets with the arrant nonsense that the popular protests presage a takeover of Egypt by the Muslim Brothers. The Muslim Brothers, yes, are…

Now, be a good little obedient and secular Egypt

The West wants “stability” in the Middle East. So the status-quo works just fine. But wait, how about democracy? Well, maybe, but just so long as those fundamentalist Islamists (or anybody who is a Muslim, really) doesn’t take over. Slavoj Žižek gets it in one: The hypocrisy of western liberals is breathtaking: they publicly supported…

I’m a journalist and I’m in the US State Department

If more evidence was needed that the vast majority of US corporate media is in the service of US foreign policy, coverage of the anti-Mubarak protests in Egypt have often overlooked the rather important detail of Washington’s backing. For example, here’s ABC‘s Christiane Amanpour: The implications are really big because this is very fundamental. Egypt…

Why al-Jazeera is a threat

Jeremy Scahill is spot-on; the Arabic news channel does what the vast bulk of Western media refused to do since 9/11; remain unembedded with American foreign policy goals: The real threat Al Jazeera poses to authoritarian regimes is in its unembedded journalism. That is why the Bush Administration viewed Al Jazeera as a threat, it…

West Bank and Gaza Arabs likely to march in numbers, too?

Amira Hass in Haaretz says it’s highly unlikely because Palestinians are exhausted and both live in police states. They wonder; what would it really gain? On Thursday, January 20, a group of young people wanted to demonstrate their support for the Tunisians. As is customary nowadays, they organized themselves using Facebook and e-mail. And in…

Neo-con tells Egyptians to think of Israel

Lee Smith in Tablet shows why his ideology is about as relevant to the Arab world as rabies: Maybe this should be one of the tests for Egypt’s democrats in the streets: Where do you stand on Israel? If they are really democrats, or just pragmatists, the young among them protesting for higher pay would…

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