Soon Israel will be surrounded by walls on all sides

Because Israel isn’t enough of a ghetto already. Any lessons from history, Zionists? After the separation barrier against Palestinian territories, Israel has begun to build a new wall, this one to keep migrants from Africa out. The new wall is coming up on the Egyptian border, and with Egyptian support. The Israeli government approved plans…

Mubarak for life is Washington’s dream

This is the reality of US foreign policy in the Middle East. Dictatorships for life: Hosni Mubarak, Egypt‘s long-serving president, is likely to seek re-election next year and will “inevitably” win a poll that will not be free and fair, the US ambassador to Cairo, Margaret Scobey, predicted in a secret cable to Hillary Clinton…

Is Qatar unduly affecting al-Jazeera’s clarity?

Al-Jazeera is a truly unique news service that covers the world in a way that no other global network does. However, there is always a risk when the major sourcing of funding is a Middle East dictatorship: Qatar is using the Arabic news channel al-Jazeera as a bargaining chip in foreign policy negotiations by adapting…

America’s real priorities (and the arms industry are very happy)

Some revealing facts from the essential War is Business blog: $10.9 billion was the value of military training and sales agreements executed in fiscal year 2000 by the Pentagon’s global arms delivery service, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. $31.6 billion was the sum of the agency’s business in fiscal year 2010, which concluded at the…

The greatest irony of Western policy

My following article appears today on the wonderful literary journal Overland’s website during its Subscriberthon: After the US mid-term elections, President Barack Obama is severely weakened by the rise of the Republicans. His unwillingness or inability to pursue true justice and peace in the Middle East will only be worsened. Indeed, GOP House Majority Leader…

America says; democracy in the Mid-East is for pussies

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz on Washington’s desperate attempt to continue to maintain “democratic” Israel in the Middle East and US-backed dictatorships in the rear: Despite the fact that they occurred almost simultaneously, any connection between the withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq and Washington’s invitation of the leaders of Jordan and Egypt to a…

Return To Gaza documentary

This is a documentary that is finally finished and soon to be screened in Australia and globally. I was interviewed a number of years ago and remain pleased it’ll see the light of see. The Palestinian story told in the first person: ‘Return To Gaza’ is a personal insight into the Middle East Conflict through…

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