How Hamas will manage the impending Egyptian wall against Gaza

Abu Murrad, a nomme de guerre, senior commander in Rafah of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas: It’s not a big problem. There are already holes in the wall, and the Egyptians know this. We’ll go through it or under it. Already there are tunnels deeper than the wall. This is what…

Galloway has a few words for dictator Mubarak

Following the Gaza Freedom March and Viva Palestina, two humanitarian efforts bringing assistance to the people of Gaza, British MP George Galloway unloads on the US-client state of Egypt in a typically brash effort: I have been in a few dangerous places in my life. In the mid 80s along with an ITN news crew…

European MPs visit Gaza and realise humans live there

At least some politicians in the West don’t regard the people of Gaza as toxic: The largest delegation of European MPs will visit the besieged Gaza Strip, in Friday, to be updated with the conditions in Gaza after a year of the Israeli war which left thousands of victims. “The European Campaign to End the…

Egyptian blogger continues to face repression behind bars

The definition of a US-backed police state, funded and armed by the US tax-payer: Reporters Without Borders deplores the way the authorities continue to persecute Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, a jailed blogger better known by the pen-name of Kareem Amer. For the third time in a row, one of his lawyers has been denied the…

Getting into Gaza

My following New Matilda article is published today: While the rest of us toasted the New Year, correspondent Antony Loewenstein was in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March In late December, one year after Israel’s brutal military assault on the Gaza Strip, some 1300 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo to draw attention…

My name is Obama and I believe in American exceptionalism

Ali Abunimah on his blog points to a former Barack Obama who offers pretty quotes but still supports the fundamentals of American empire: Just a month after the 11 September 2001 attacks, then Illinois State Senator Barack Obama — a political unknown nationally — spoke to the Chicago Defender newspaper (Chinta Strausberg, “Sen. Obama: Barriers…

GFM claims success in flying the flag for Gaza

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: I attended the Gaza Freedom March (GFM)…  in late December to generate publicity for the disastrous Western-led policies towards Palestine. 1400 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo on December 27 and aimed to travel into Gaza to “break the siege”. Palestine has become a truly globalised issue…

Please explain the real reason we back Mubarak’s Egypt

Seumas Milne writes in the Guardian that Western support for a terror state such as Egypt merely inflames anti-Western anger everywhere: Decades of oil-hungry backing for despots, from Iran to Oman, Egypt to Saudi Arabia, along with the failure of Arab nationalism to complete the decolonisation of the region, fuelled first the rise of Islamism…

SBS Radio interview on Gaza Freedom March

I was interviewed in Cairo on New Year’s Eve about the Gaza Freedom March for SBS Radio in Australia. We discussed the Israeli and Egyptian led siege of Gaza and the reasons behind the global attention on the Strip’s plight.

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