Egypt continues its sordid role in tightening the siege on Gaza

One of the key points of the protests during the Gaza Freedom March was the role played by Egypt in sealing Gaza from the world. This Associated Press story provides some more details (a few friends who recently crossed into Gaza via the Rafah crossing tell me that it was impossible to determine the current…

Gandhi would have been proud over the Gaza march

My following article appears in the Egyptian opposition publication, Al Masry Alyoum: During my visit to Gaza in July last year, six months after Israel’s devastating assault, I was constantly struck by the resilient nature of its people. Despite 1400 lives lost, including those of many civilians, I found little hatred towards Jews. Instead, I…

Gaza’s suffering is Israel’s shame

My following article is published today by the Sydney Morning Herald/The Age: The 85-year-old Jewish, anti-Zionist, Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein is a sturdy looking woman. Her slightly hunched frame hides the determination to continue a life-long dedication to social justice. This week in Cairo she joined close to 1400 international delegates on the Gaza Freedom…

Australians’ Gaza protest

The following appeared in the Melbourne Age on 1 January: By Andra Jackson A delegation of Australians including Jewish journalist Antony Loewenstein are among hundreds of people from around the world who will hold mass protests in Cairo and Gaza today over Israel’s continuing blockade of the Palestinian enclave. Today marks the first anniversary of…

Cairo is poor and needs reliable “friends” to keep it afloat

Uri Avnery on the very simple but shameful reasons Egypt remains a well behaving client state of its pay-masters, dances to the tune of Israel and Washington, isolates Gaza and refuses entry to the Gaza Freedom Marchers: Cynics point out that the Egyptian government receives a huge American subsidy every year – almost two billion…

How the Gaza Freedom March brought the assembled crowd together

The last days of the Gaza Freedom March here in Cairo were hectic, inspiring, frustrating and energising. The collective goal was to enter Gaza, but alas, that wasn’t to happen. I’m currently sharing a room with a girl who just returned from Gaza, and was quoted in the New York Times, and she tells of…

Sydney Morning Herald covers Gaza Freedom March

The following article appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 2 January: Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on either side of the Israeli-Gazan border to mark a year since Israel’s three-week war in Gaza and to call for an end to the blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt. About 85 demonstrators in Gaza were foreigners, part…

Viva Palestina inches closer to Gaza

The Viva Palestina trip from London is destined to bring aid, supplies and support to the people of Gaza. Like the Gaza Freedom March, the Egyptians halted their plans but they seem to now be making their way towards the Strip:

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