The Guardian covers the Gaza Freedom March

Following extensive global media coverage of our massive Cairo protest on 31 December to protest the siege on Gaza, the Guardian also filmed proceedings but didn’t cover the violence handed out to us by Egyptian security services.

Actually, Gaza is a massive prison

A charming example of the Israeli government’s global PR in action: Interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Today program about Israel’s economic blockade of Gaza, the Israeli ambassador to Britain, Ron Prosor, brushed aside claims that Israel bears responsibility for the cruel privations that the people of Gaza are suffering. What is often overlooked, he observed,…

CNN covers regional protests over Gaza

When establishment media outlets such as CNN cover the Gaza Freedom March, I’m convinced of the importance of this week’s actions in Cairo. Breaking the silence happens one step at a time: In Gaza, approximately 100 international activists were joined by several hundred Palestinians in a march to the border, while some 300 Israeli, international…

Breaking through American blindness over Gaza

The New York Times covers today’s protests in Israel and Palestine over the Gaza crisis: Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on both sides of the Israeli-Gazan border on Thursday to mark a year since Israel’s three-week war in Gaza, and to call for an end to the blockade of the area imposed by Israel and Egypt.…

Press release: Protesters are being brutalized in Tahir Square right now – 500+ protesters violently forced into pens, others barricaded in their hotels

From a Gaza Freedom March press release: Members of the Gaza Freedom March are being forcibly detained in hotels around town (Lotus, Liala) as well as violently forced into pens in Tahir Square by Egyptian police and additional security forces. Reports of police brutality are flooding a delegate legal hotline faster than the legal support…

BBC covers our protests in Cairo over Gaza

From the BBC: Several hundred people have joined demonstrations on the Israel-Gaza border to protest against the Israeli blockade of the territory. The demonstrators, who marched to the Erez crossing point from both sides of the border, included dozens of international activists. The Egyptian authorities have allowed about 80 protesters to cross into the Gaza…

ABC Radio covers the Gaza Freedom March and the crisis over Gaza

The following story appears today on ABC Radio’s AM: TONY EASTLEY: More than 1300 international peace activists from 40 countries, including Australia are in Egypt this week. The self-styled “freedom marchers”, many of whom are Jewish, include prominent authors, lawyers and journalists. They had hoped to cross the border to Gaza for a planned protest…

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