Oh to be a good little client state

Robert Fisk writes that “The rotten state of Egypt is too powerless and corrupt to act” during the current Gaza onslaught. Why? Because it’s a brutal US ally that knows where its bread is buttered.

Feeding the beast

What is the real legacy of the Bush administration in the Middle East? Rami G. Khouri writes: Major Arab allies of the United States – such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan – are in more precarious condition now than they were eight years ago. They find themselves uncomfortably perched between their own reliance on U.S.…

The Blogging Revolution and voices of crisis

Juan Cole runs one of the finest and most popular US-based Middle East related blogs. It’s been a beacon of rationality during the Bush years. My following piece appears on his site today: During last week’s terror attacks in Mumbai, new technology reacted to the news faster than traditional media services. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and…

The victim recalls a war crime

My following book review appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on November 29: My Story: The Tale Of A Terrorist Who Wasn’t By Mamdouh Habib; with Julia Collingwood; Scribe, 272 pp, $32.95 Before tortured Australian Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib was released in 2005, then prime minister John Howard said his government didn’t “have any…

Talking past power

How the internet is finally changing the face of Italian society (and we can thank Prime Minister Silvio Berluscon). (While the vast majority of Egyptian web users allegedly support the idea of government net censorship.)

Going online in repressive regimes

My following talk was presented today to a full room at Harvard University’s Berkman Centre: Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for Internet and Society Luncheon Series, 25 November 2008 The Blogging Revolution: Going online in repressive regimes Antony Loewenstein Internet censorship is something that only happens in non-democratic states. Regimes that want to crush free speech…

Spreading the word in the US

After years of talking in Australia and overseas about the Israel/Palestine conflict and internet repression, I’m about to commence a US… speaking tour. My first presentation early next week, at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government/Centre for Middle Eastern Studies, is on “The Shifting Sands of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Australian Perspective“: A critical examination of…

Why blog?

Australian blogger Amy Bradney-George on the ever-increasing importance of blogging in our media landscape: A few years back, around the beginning of 2006, I began reading blogs by friends and family as a way of keeping in touch with them. From there I realised how many people across the world are actually utilising this form…

Washington Prism on blogging

Washington Prism is a “weekly on-line journal of culture, politics and public affairs in Persian [and English], dedicated to bringing the news and views of concern from the United States and beyond to the Persian speaking countries and communities in an accurate, comprehensive and analytical manner.” I was interviewed recently by Hamid Tehrani about my…

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