How web rights are coming

My new book, The Blogging Revolution, is officially released on September 1. Over the coming weeks and months there will be extensive coverage and discussion both here in Australia and internationally (all of it covered on this site and the book’s website). As a great start, here’s a post from Harvard University’s Berkman Centre for…

The Blogging Revolution lands

My following essay appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The young online tribe is more interested in discussing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll than political revolution, writes Antony Loewenstein Early last month, some Iranian members of parliament voted to debate a draft bill that aimed to “toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society” by adding…

Too much touching allowed

Gender politics in Egypt has a long way to go: Nearly two-thirds of Egyptian men admit to having sexually harassed women in the most populous Arab country, and a majority say women themselves are to blame for their maltreatment. One female blogger, Cairo My Love, has a few things to say about this shocking statistic.

Raging against rising internet repression

My following article appears in the US magazine The Nation on the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit and the issue of web repression: During the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008–sponsored by Harvard University and Google in Budapest, Hungary, in late June, and attended by over 200 bloggers, human rights activists, writers, journalists, hackers and…

Not talking sides

Yet more evidence that global public opinion is completely at odds with the Western political elite’s blind support of the Zionist state: A new poll of 18 countries finds that in 14 of them people mostly say their government should not take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Just three countries favor taking the Palestinian…

Fighting the bastards

A blog post and news article from The Economist about the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008 in Budapest. Around 200 people from every corner of the globe have gathered here in Hungary. I’ll be writing much more over the coming days and weeks about the event, but it’s been fascinating to discuss online censorship…

Watching the censorship debate

My speech today at the Global Voices internet censorship conference in Budapest was streamed live across the world (starts at one minute): Webcast powered by Ustream.TV The event was liveblogged, too.

Towards a total human rights outlook

I gave the following speech at the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008 in Budapest today: NGO’s and on-the ground activists: Defending the Voices How can NGOs seeking to advance freedom of expression most effectively work with on-the-ground free speech activists to combat censorship? As a journalist, author and blogger living in Sydney, Australia, the…

The Muslim mind

Part one of a Robert Fisk documentary from the early 1990s, Beirut to Bosnia, about the attitude of Muslims to the West in Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon and Bosnia. As relevant today as ever:

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