Laughing at dictators

Ibrahim El Houdaiby, Guardian Comment is Free, January 12: Public discontent in Egypt has not been solely manifested in ballot boxes (when there are semi-fair elections), demonstrations and newspaper articles. Most Egyptians still feel insecure about expressing themselves in these ways. Writing against the regime is sometimes punishable by physical abuse, as in the case…

A future without Israel?

A new documentary on PBS suggests that many young Americans Jews are turning away from Israel and obsessing over the Holocaust. Jonathan D. Sarna, Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University, explains: Whatever the future portends, it seems clear that two of the grand themes that defined American Jewish identity in the late twentieth…

A blogger against a regime

Wael Abbas, one of Egypt’s leading bloggers and anti-torture campaigners, recently received the 2007 Knight International Award for Excellence in Journalism. It is a rare occasion indeed for a blogger to be awarded internationally for his bravery in the face of government repression:

The Brotherhood evolves

Ibrahim El Houdaiby, Guardian Comment is Free, January 2: The Muslim Brotherhood, like other opposition groups in Egypt, is going through a period of repression. It is repressed more than any other organisation to the widespread popularity it enjoys. Hundreds of its members have been detained over the past few months and a severe media…

Checking the watchers

Following Google/YouTube’s recent clumsy attempt to remove (or censor, it’s still unclear) the account of a prominent Egyptian blogger who had posted videos of policemen torturing prisoners, things have now returned to supposed normality: It looks as though Wael’s YouTube account has been restored, after being blocked several days ago. The reason given for the…

Google avoids torture

Google’s YouTube has become an essential tool around the world in displaying unheralded truths. But the group has now removed many videos featuring Egyptian policemen torturing victims. The Egyptian blogsosphere has reacted with outrage. “This is by far the biggest blow to the anti-torture movement in Egypt,” one said.

From one torturer to another

One of America’s favourite torturing client states is at it again: The Arabic Network for Human Rights information and Hisham Mubarak Centre for Law sent a communiqué to the Egyptian Prosecutor-General , demanding to investigate into the issue of torturing Karim Amer in his prison. Karim who is an Egyptian blogger sentenced to prison for…

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