Freedom sails into Gaza

Although Israel says it plans to stop this mission, the aim is clear and should be warmly supported: The biggest attempt by international aid groups to break the Israeli siege on the Gaza… Strip has gotten underway. Nine ships under the banner, Freedom Flotilla, began their journey to Gaza on Saturday, despite warnings from Israel that… they…

Liberal Zionism debates what Judaism should be in the 21st century

I’m coming late to this essay but there’s a long piece in the New York Review of Books by Peter Beinart talking about the failure of American Jewish elites and the wider Zionist community to understand the real effects of blind backing for Israel. Arabs are openly loathed and yet liberal, American Jewry is walking…

Some Western Australian Jews shame themselves…again

This site has covered the extensive and global efforts by some Zionist organisations to block the performance of the play Seven Jewish Children. The latest example was in Perth, Western Australia One of the organisers behind the show sent me the following flyer, handed out by Jewish protestors before the program, in an attempt to…

If Britain was serious about human rights in Palestine

A strong letter in the UK Guardian that puts some necessary pressure on Britain’s new Deputy Prime Minister. Speaking about “change” is politically necessary these days, but alas, what does it really bring to the people under American or British occupation? To the British deputy prime minister: Dear Nick Clegg, This is a request for…

How slamming Goldstone does nothing for Palestinian rights

A stirring call from Hagai El-Ad, executive director of the Association for Civil Rights in Israel. Civility and reason exists in Israel; just don’t expect the mainstream to agree: What will they come up with next? The campaign to discredit Judge Richard Goldstone, his fact-finding commission and the report that now bears his name seems…

Homes and infrastructure deliberately destroyed in Gaza

Human Rights Watch – currently experiencing some internal angst over its supposed excessive focus on Israeli crimes, a bogus charge – continues its painstaking on the ground work in Gaza: Israel should investigate the unlawful destruction of civilian property during the 2009 Gaza hostilities and lift the blockade that hinders residents from rebuilding their homes,…

Overland branded biased by Jewish academics

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Overland is a quarterly publication published in Melbourne since 1954 and aims to give, in the words of…  editor Jeff Sparrow, “space for radicals and liberals”. Over the past few years a handful of articles have appeared written by Jews (including me, principally on peak oil)…

What will Israel do when Dersh passes on?

Rabbi Brant Rosen is a sane American who knows exactly where the Jewish state is going (namely off a cliff with its eyes open). He tackles one of Israel’s leading global backers, Alan Dershowitz, a man the Zionist Diaspora seems to love because he’s so strongly “pro-Israel” but they really would defend this? Back to…

Interview with the New Zealand Listener

New Zealand’s Listener magazine is that country’s only national current affairs magazine. I am interviewed in the latest edition, in preparation for my upcoming appearance at the Auckland Writer’s Festival and a national tour, on speaking truths over Israel/Palestine, West Bank and Gaza occupation, the role of journalism and shit-stirring: Loewenstein Listener May 15 (PDF)

To the panic stations!

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz: The entire world, with our American friends at the forefront, insists that the beefing up of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem cannot be reconciled with the “two states for two peoples” solution. How can the Palestinian leadership be expected to stand by idly while 25,000 Palestinian workers put…

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