Hamas has a rat in the ranks?

It seems quite possible: Hamas last night vigorously denied that a renegade from its own ranks helped set up the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh in a Dubai hotel room last month, a shock claim made by Dubai’s police chief, as echoes from the killing and its investigation continued to resound in the Middle…

What constant power cuts means for the people of Gaza

Hussam El-Nounou runs an NGO in Gaza that deals with people suffering mental problems: These constant and long power cuts have turned everything upside-down here. We barely get ten hours of electricity per day. To compensate, a lot of Gazans have bought small generators in order to be able to turn on their lights, televisions…

Netanyahu knew all about the murder of Mabhouh

The Mossad murder of a Hamas man in Dubai will not simply disappear. The London Times has more details: In early January two black Audi A6 limousines drove up to the main gate of a building on a small hill in the northern suburbs of Tel Aviv: the headquarters of Mossad, the Israeli secret intelligence…

The nuts and bolts of the Gaza tragedy

Sara Roy in the Nation on Gaza: Gaza’s protracted blockade has resulted in the near total collapse of the private sector. At least 95 percent of Gaza’s industrial establishments (3,750 enterprises) were either forced to close or were destroyed over the past four years, resulting in a loss of between 100,000 and 120,000 jobs. The…

Is Israel mature enough to understand the value of rights?

An instructive op-ed in Haaretz by media consultant Gilad Heiman that offers the Jewish state some advice that will probably be ignored: Israeli public relations stems entirely from the Zionist Israeli narrative, without any genuine attempt being made to learn the language of human rights, which is dominant in international public discourse. We expect the…

Calling all Jews, please help us sell the vibrant state of Israel

Israel’s liberals have become politically invisible. The country is therefore increasingly run by the right and far-right. Hooray for them. In light of the Jewish state’s shocking global image (aside from the political elites who love its plucky nature and war against Palestinians), the Israeli government has a wonderful idea (it’s truly hard to read…

How many Western states helped Israel murder a citizen in Dubai?

The Dubai murder of a Hamas leader is getting juicier by the day. Palestinian defectors may well have been involved: A key security operative of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas was under arrest in Syria tonight on suspicion of having helped an alleged Israeli hit squad identify Mahmoud al-Mabhouh before he was assassinated in Dubai,…

To Shoot an Elephant – Sydney screening

I saw this amazing documentary a few weeks ago. Shot during Israel’s onslaught against Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009, the film-makers were embedded with Palestinian ambulance workers. Israel is clearly seen shooting at unarmed civilians. The territory is under siege with bombs falling all around the terrified population. Zionist terror in its rawest…

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