Fisk examines the messy Middle East (and knows who is in charge)

Robert Fisk’s latest essay is a long, poetic, sometimes confused, look at the Israel/Palestine conflict. It’s full of concise observations, depressing facts and insights. Very few other mainstream journalists are given the space to pontificate on any issue. Fisk knows the conflict well, remains convinced that a two-state solution is the only answer (though is…

Calm and peace in short supply in the Middle East

Such unhealthy rumblings are sadly familiar in the Middle East: Hamas political leader Khaled Meshal warned on Friday that should another war erupt with Israel, the majority of battles would not be contained to the Gaza Strip as they were during the conflict last winter. Meshal told the London-based Al-Hayyat that Hamas was not interested…

And still the people of Gaza wait to be remembered

While residents in Gaza face increasingly regular power cuts, worsening the already cold conditions, Gazan blogger Amir Ismail writes on the effect of the Israeli blockade: For two decades the Gaza Strip has exported millions of flowers to the West. But the situation deteriorated seriously in the past three years. Horticulturalists’ greenhouses were bombed during…

Another tale of Israel refusing medical care for the Gazan people

Israeli human rights group Gisha released this statement today: Gisha and Physicians for Human Rights-Israel appealed to the High Court of Justice on behalf of Issam Hamdan against a District Court ruling blocking his exit from Gaza for emergency medical treatment. …·… … … … … … …  The State refuses to allow him out of Gaza based on its claim…

The Daily Show is selective about Middle East outrage

Jon Stewart covers anti-Semitic Hamas cartoons and worries about the kid’s education in Gaza. Fair enough, but can you even imagine the same show looking into US-backed, settler material that routinely demonises Arabs? Of course not: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Story Hole – Children’s Cartoons From Hamas…

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