Investigate Gaza and get over the victimhood

And Israel wonders why the world demands more from a supposed democracy? A high-ranking officer has acknowledged for the first time that the Israeli army went beyond its previous rules of engagement on the protection of civilian lives in order to minimise military casualties during last year’s Gaza war, The Independent can reveal. The officer,…

Israel expands the occupation and wonders why apartheid is alive

The “A” word by the Israeli elite: Israel’s defense minister warned Tuesday that if Israel does not achieve a peace deal with the Palestinians, it will be either a binational state or an undemocratic apartheid state. Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s comments came in an address to a security conference north of Tel Aviv. Israeli leaders…

Until Israel openly investigates Gaza, offiicials will be chased around the world

The Zionist elite sees itself at this week’s Herzliya conference in Israel, according to Robert Fisk, as “under siege. That was the dreary, familiar, hopelessly misunderstood theme at the 10th annual Herzliya conference of diplomats, Israeli civil servants, military gold braid and government yesterday.” It is under siege because it’s insufficiently mature to investigate its…

Why should Australia gain in the UN by ignoring Israeli criminality?

This “exclusive” in today’s Murdoch Australian (also featured in the Melbourne Age) is a wake-up call to the Australian government. Blindly supporting Israel and mouthing platitudes about a two-state solution, while remaining silent on the siege of Gaza and the growing occupation, comes with a price: Kevin Rudd’s bid for a UN Security Council seat…

Norman Finkelstein’s new book on Gaza

American writer Norman Finkelstein is soon to release his new book, “This Time We Went Too Far: Truth and Consequences of the Gaza Invasion“, a concise examination of Israel’s bombardment of Gaza in late 2008 and early 2009. (It’s also worth noting that Finkelstein has chosen a relatively new publisher, OR Books, to release his…

Israel uses white phosphorus in civilian areas (says Israel)

This latest statement by B’Tselem warrants consideration: B’Tselem has sent an urgent letter to the judge advocate general, Maj. Gen. Avichai Mandelblit, demanding that he immediately order a Military Police investigation into the circumstances of the firing of phosphorus shells at the UNWRA compound in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead. This morning, the media reported…

Abbas is bought and sold and he’s happy about it

This Guardian “exclusive” interview with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is a thoroughly dispiriting affair. It’s a profile of a man with little or no freedom to move, totally bank-rolled by the Western powers (while the ever-expanding occupation making true independence utterly impossible) and powerless to do much except imprison Hamas officials and anybody who opposes…

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