Zionist incitement grows against critical voices

With growing signs in Israel of crushing dissent, this article by Hadas Ziv, director of Physicians for Human Rights Israel and published in Maariv, is revealing of a deeper mindset. At what point does the world realise that many hardline Israelis have no interest in real democracy? In the course of Operation Cast Lead there…

Poor old Israel just can’t get a break, worries Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick loves everything about hardline Zionism. She couldn’t survive without constantly warning about the threats faced by Israel. Her latest article continues the familiar theme: the world hates Jews, we are alone and please can we bomb Iran soon? Since the Holocaust, old-style right-wing anti-Semites in Europe have had a hard…

Australia rolls out the welcome mat for war criminal retirees

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: The news that defeated Sri Lankan presidential candidate and former army chief Sarath Fonseka may claim temporary asylum in Australia due to fears for his life…  is the latest saga in the country’s ongoing tragedy. Foreign Minister Stephen Smith denies that Australian officials in Colombo ever received an…

Dershowitz accuses Goldstone of “evil”

Does anybody else notice the increasing vitriol of blind Zionists, as the world slowly turns against the Jewish state? Stand up to the plate, Alan Dershowitz: Two days after Israel submitted its response to the Goldstone report that accused the IDF of possible crimes against humanity during last year’s Operation Cast Lead, prominent lawyer and…

What is happening to the war-scarred children of Gaza?

I’ve been publishing the compelling stories by Australian Donna Mulhearn during her recent trip to Gaza. Here’s her latest and last reflections: Dear friends, The children concentrated hard as they drew the blood spurting out of bodies, the helicopters firing bullets onto people below, the aeroplanes dropping bombs. They also drew weary palm trees, grey…

Canadian students lead the way on BDS

Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) Carleton in Ottawa, Canada, have released a stunning video explaining why their university should divest from companies intimately involved in the Israeli occupation. It’s just the latest example of civil society taking up the issue of Palestine when governments and the elites continue backing gross human rights abuses in Palestine.…

Israel only sees goodness in itself

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: They [the international community] know that no country has faced the kind of terror rocket attacks that we have faced, except for Britain during World War II, and that our response was the only sensible response. Operation Cast Lead was a more proportionate response than was meted out by Great…

Not if, but how, Israel uses the Holocaust as a political weapon

Even asking this question would be impossible in most Western media: Does Israel Use The Holocaust as a Blackmail Weapon? On Russia Today, a satellite channel funded by the Russian state, Norman Finkelstein and others debate the question. And as he rightly says, of course Israel uses the catastrophe to shield itself from criticism and…

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