Poles want legal remedy for Gaza crimes

A typical case of Israeli leaders playing the role of victim, yet again: Israeli leaders continue are still wanted in Europe, but not in a positive way: Knesset members visiting Poland for ceremonies marking International Holocaust Day were surprised to see ads against Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni in the city…

Yet another way that hatred for Israel breeds every day in Gaza

The longer of prisoner’s families in Gaza is like torture with Israel illegally refusing to allow regular visits: Umm Faris Baroud of Shati refugee camp in western Gaza City wakes up early every Monday in the hope that she will be allowed to visit her son Faris, serving a life sentence in one of Israel’s…

LA Jews challenge Israel

It may not be a strong movement yet, but American Jews are starting to speak out against Israeli crimes. Here’s LA Jews for Peace and friends in front of the Federal building on the one year anniversary of Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza:

A man dedicated to Palestine: Rich Wiles

British photographer Rich Wiles, who has spent years working and teaching in Palestine, has launched a website. His new book, Behind the Wall: Life, Love and Struggle in Palestine, is released next month: Of the approximately seven million Palestinian refugees around the world, more than 650,000 are living in camps along the West Bank and…

Caring about Haiti from the desperation of Gaza

“As a humanitarian worker here [in Gaza], I can say that it has been really amazing to see that some needy people including women and children wanting to deliver food, toys, clothes and cash to disaster-affected people in Haiti. The scene in front of the office for the International Committee of the Red Cross in…

Fisk on ever-worsening tensions between Lebanon and Israel

Robert Fisk on renewed fears that Israel and Lebanon may be at war again soon. The insanity of such a move is undoubted – both sides, Hizbollah and Israel, have been threatening the other – but it’s clear that Israel is determined to avenge its disastrous 2006 adventure against Lebanon: Of course, the gentle countryside…

A handful of goods now being allowed out of Gaza

The latest weekly edition of Gaza Gateway: Since the end of December 2009, 36 trucks loaded with strawberries and cut carnation flowers were permitted to leave Gaza for Israel’s Ashdod port, from which they were shipped to Europe. This is the first time since January 2008 that strawberries have managed to leave the 41 kilometer-long…

Getting money into Gaza is essential for the living

Gaza is in ruins and Israel, now increasingly blocking access of foreign NGOs into the occupied territories, is trying to stop the flow of essential money into the Gaza Strip: Israeli officials suspect that representatives of international organizations used their cars to bring millions of dollars into the Gaza Strip, taking advantage of their immunity.…

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