Using white phosphorous on Palestine cannot be forgotten

The call for Zionist accountability is growing: Israeli officials who authorized the use of white phosphorous in densely populated Gaza should be tried for war crimes, a British Labour Party legislator said Friday, after entering the Hamas-ruled territory with 60 European parliamentarians. … “The lawmakers are visiting Gaza to draw attention to the territory’s evil…

Gaza is a man-made disaster, eyewitness account

During the recent Gaza Freedom March, I became good friends with Nitin Sawhney, a research affiliate at MIT. He’s currently in Gaza and writing a fascinating blog about his experiences. There’s much to digest but here’s something from the latest post: The devastating events of the recent earthquake in Haiti linger in my mind as…

Will Israel soon become a tipping point in American life?

The American mainstream is starting to awaken to Israeli madness. Andrew Sullivan, one of the country’s biggest bloggers, has been increasingly vocal in questioning the role of the Jewish state. Who else in the MSM is really doing so? The Netanyahu government has all but declared war on the Obama administration and then openly disses…

How Hamas will manage the impending Egyptian wall against Gaza

Abu Murrad, a nomme de guerre, senior commander in Rafah of the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas: It’s not a big problem. There are already holes in the wall, and the Egyptians know this. We’ll go through it or under it. Already there are tunnels deeper than the wall. This is what…

What’s the blockade doing to the Strip?

The latest weekly edition of Gaza Gateway: The firing of rockets and mortar shells on towns in southern Israel from the Gaza Strip last week should be categorically condemned, since it targeted Israeli civilians or failed to distinguish between military and civilian targets. The perpetrators and the Hamas government which allows militant groups to fire…

How soon would Israel like to destroy Gaza again?

The fear rises: Concerns of people who live in the Gaza Strip are mounting following the Israeli threats to carry out another large-scale war against the enclave similar to last winter’s “Cast Lead” operation. Khamis Abu Hasira, a 24-year-old Gaza resident, expressed his fear that Israel would soon initiate another destructive war against Gaza, adding…

Galloway has a few words for dictator Mubarak

Following the Gaza Freedom March and Viva Palestina, two humanitarian efforts bringing assistance to the people of Gaza, British MP George Galloway unloads on the US-client state of Egypt in a typically brash effort: I have been in a few dangerous places in my life. In the mid 80s along with an ITN news crew…

Haiti and Gaza, a comparison

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom publishes the following ad in Haaretz today: In far-away Haiti A terrible disaster Has occured. Within a few hours An Israeli aid mission Was organized. In near-by Gaza Hundreds of houses Lie in ruins. The inhabitants do not ask For an aid mission. Only that the Israeli government Stops preventing…

The struggles of a Palestinian student to finish her studies

Back in July, I visited the occupied city of Bethlehem and spent time at the world-renowned university there. Its head is New Zealand Father Peter Bray, a compassionate man dedicated to improving the lives of his students. He wrote a report just before Christmas and now adds another one, this time on his recent trip…

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