The humanity of the rabbis in Gaza

An Australian participant in the Gaza Freedom March, Donna Mulhearn, travelled inside Gaza in late December (her first report is here) and now writes another installment: Friends, When the orthodox Jewish Rabbi, in his long black coat and wide-brimmed black felt hat held out his arms and hugged Mahmood in the loungeroom of his bombed-out…

European MPs visit Gaza and realise humans live there

At least some politicians in the West don’t regard the people of Gaza as toxic: The largest delegation of European MPs will visit the besieged Gaza Strip, in Friday, to be updated with the conditions in Gaza after a year of the Israeli war which left thousands of victims. “The European Campaign to End the…

Israel can only show power by belittling others

Israel’s attempt at humiliating the Turkish ambassador has back-fired spectacularly. It is the moves of a little nation, not a democracy, a country that wants to embarrass Jews. If they think this is showing Zionist strength, they are sadly mistaken. The Haaretz editorial: Israel’s fury at critics of its policies in Gaza is not new.…

Getting into Gaza

My following New Matilda article is published today: While the rest of us toasted the New Year, correspondent Antony Loewenstein was in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March In late December, one year after Israel’s brutal military assault on the Gaza Strip, some 1300 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo to draw attention…

Israel initiates terrorism, says Turkey and Lebanon

This must be Israel’s wonderful outreach working wonders on friends and neighbours: The prime ministers of Turkey and Lebanon on Monday lashed out at Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace and air strikes in Gaza, warning they were undermining prospects for peace in the region. “Attacks on Lebanon is terrorism itself ”¦ We have to stand…

Another slaughter in Gaza sooner than we think?

Bradley Burston in Haaretz thinks that Palestinians should prepare for another massacre and soon: The countdown to the Second Gaza War has begun in earnest. Date it, if you like, to Sunday, and a coolly terrifying analysis by Yom Tov Samia, former overall Israeli military commander of the Gaza Strip and the adjacent Negev. Or…

Gaza could be liberated if Palestinians simply got off their behinds

From the “shooting your cause in the foot” file. When hardline Zionists wonder why the world increasingly regards their cause with contempt (and no, anti-Semitism isn’t the issue here), not even being able to acknowledge Palestinian suffering ranks pretty high. This recent editorial in the Jerusalem Post plays the usual cards and achieves little more…

GFM claims success in flying the flag for Gaza

My following article appears in today’s Crikey: I attended the Gaza Freedom March (GFM)…  in late December to generate publicity for the disastrous Western-led policies towards Palestine. 1400 people from 43 countries descended on Cairo on December 27 and aimed to travel into Gaza to “break the siege”. Palestine has become a truly globalised issue…

Put your hand up if you want to bomb Gaza?

Let’s see how much coverage in the West this receives (hint: nothing). Promised Land blog in Israel highlights the casual racism that permeates the Jewish state: What would we say if a poll by Iranian or Palestinian television station presented the public with the option of completely destroying Israel? Because this is exactly what Keshet…

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