ABC Radio National interview on Gaza Freedom March

I was interviewed today on ABC Radio National Breakfast about the Gaza Freedom March: The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has just returned from peace talks with his Egyptian counterpart Hosni Mubarak, and Israel-Palestinian relations were among the topics discussed. This meeting sparked a protest which is still going in the centre of Cairo. Included…

Democracy Now! captures the spirit of the Gaza Freedom March

The following report appears on Democracy Now!: AMY GOODMAN: In Egypt, hundreds of solidarity activists from around the world are being prevented by the Egyptian government from entering Gaza. Dubbed the Gaza Freedom March, organizers were planning to cross the border last Sunday to commemorate the first anniversary of Israel’s assault on Gaza that killed…

What’s the UN role in the Gaza Freedom March?

After we protested yesterday here in Cairo outside the UN building to ask the international body to pressure Egypt to allow us to enter Gaza, this interesting piece of news from the New York-based Inner City Press: As protesters massed in front of the UN in Cairo, Egyptian authorities blocked the press from covering the…

Australian media starts to take notice of the Gaza Freedom March

The following story appeared on ABC news radio a few hours ago about our presence in Cairo for the Gaza Freedom March: About a dozen Australians are among hundreds of protesters banned by Egyptian authorities from travelling across the Sinai Desert to the Gaza Strip. About 1,300 international activists are in Cairo still hoping to…

Stuck in Cairo, but Gaza Freedom March soldiers on

The following report by Mondoweiss – I’ve spent much of the day with its founder Phil Weiss, reflecting on the significance of this massive global action for Palestine – explains the contradictory feelings many of us feel being here in Cairo and speaking out on the Middle East. These are moving times and many tears…

Western governments may have forgotten Gaza but the world remembers

The UN Secretary General is calling for an end of the blockade against Gaza. Israel will carry out a white-wash investigation into its various war crimes during Operation Cast Lead in an attempt to stem the “political and economic tsunami” caused by the Goldstone report. Hamas retains a tight control over Gaza. Gaza is not…

What the French are doing here in Cairo to protest the Gaza blockade

An American friend of mine, currently living in Cairo, just sent out this missive about current activities here in the Egyptian capital. I also just returned from the French Embassy protest, witnessing around 1000 riot police surrounding around 300 French protestors, demanding the Egyptian government open the borders into Gaza and allow decency to return…

This is what we’re doing for the Gaza Freedom March in Cairo

While we continue to remain active here in Cairo, protesting the Egyptian government’s refusal to allow the Gaza Freedom March to enter Gaza, hundreds of participants are staging imaginative displays of solidarity. Via AFP: An 85-year-old Holocaust survivor was among a group of grandmothers who began a hunger strike in Cairo on Monday to protest…

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