Why a Holocaust survivor wants to show solidarity with Gaza

Why Hedy Epstein, a Jewish, anti-Zionist survivor of Nazi Germany, is going on the Gaza Freedom March: There are several reasons why I’m going. One of them is to let the people in Gaza know that there are people out there in the world who care about them, who are concerned about them, who are…

Israel, this is your life

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom published the following statement in Haaretz on 25 December: A year after “Cast Lead”: Hamas in Gaza – Stronger than before. Gilad Shalit – Not yet home. Our standing in the world – Deteriorated catastrophically. The appalling Gaza blockade – Going on. No Qassams – No IDF incursions. And talk…

Keep the pressure up over entering Gaza to provide support

Progress on the Gaza front and access via the Egyptian border: Gaza Freedom March congratulates the Government of Egypt on its change of policy to allow international missions into Gaza during December with the decision to allow the Viva Palestina convoy to go into Gaza on December 27, 2009. Organizers of Gaza Freedom March were…

Israel ignores while Gaza burns

The latest weekly edition of Gaza Gateway, the invaluable source of news about the Gaza Strip (written in Israel): The closure of the Gaza Strip is tight enough to make life difficult for residents, but fences and checkpoints don’t prevent viruses from passing through, as became apparent earlier this month. Despite predictions that the closure…

Why this Jew is going on the Gaza Freedom March

Michael Ratner, president of the New York-based Centre for Constitutional Rights, a Jew and participant with his family of the Gaza Freedom March: I want to break the blockade, I want to see the damage done by the weapons from my tax dollars, and I want it understood: Israel does not kill in my name.…

Arab solidarity crucial for Gaza

The Viva Palestina movement into Gaza has been busy this year. Now, it’s returning: British Member of Parliament George Galloway has leveled strong criticism at Arabs over their inaction and failure to play a role in organizing aid convoys to the besieged Gaza Strip. “It is a shame that this convoy [Lifeline 3] is coming…

The Gaza Freedom March is joined by others talking about Palestine

Aside from the Gaza Freedom March, another group of internationals are aiming to enter Gaza before the end of the year. Northern Ireland’s Londonberry Sentinel reports: A group of Londonderry men are set to join thousands of humanitarian activists in Palestine this New Year for a huge protest against the treatment of the people of…

Australians rally to support the Gaza Freedom March

The following petition, drafted by Michael Brull in Sydney, is aimed at Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd: Israel ’s siege on Gaza is vicious and cruel, and it must end immediately. Its continuation means continued war on the basic necessities of life for the population of Gaza . Any ordinary, decent person would assume the…

Just what has the Gaza war and siege really achieved?

Happy anniversary, Gaza: Aid agencies have strongly criticised the international community for failing to help bring an end to Israel’s blockade of Gaza. The charities made the accusation in a report published just ahead of the anniversary of Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip. The aid agencies condemn not just Israel, but the world community.…

Let the peaceful Gaza Freedom March continue

Those of us going on the Gaza Freedom March (and anybody who wants to show solidarity) now has a responsibility to put pressure on the Egyptians. Here’s Robert Naiman, Policy Director of Just Foreign Policy: On December 31, together with more than 1000 peace advocates from around the world, I plan to join with tens…

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