Gaza Gateway

Leading Israeli human rights group, Gisha – Legal Centre for Freedom of Movement, launched in the last month a new blog, Gaza Gateway, that provides facts and analysis about Gaza crossings and is updated every week with information about goods entering Gaza as well as posts relevant to previous week’s events.

The people of Gaza are being heard

The world has not forgotten: “From the besieged Gaza Strip, we call upon all peace lovers around the globe to come here to participate in our Gaza Freedom March that is aimed at breaking a repressive Israeli blockade on Gaza’s 1.5 million residents.” So said Mustafa al-Kayali, coordinator of the steering committee for the Gaza…

Palestinians in Gaza can’t even mark their holy days

Gaza journalist and teacher Rami Almeghari – his work perfectly captures the day to day toughness of life in the Strip – explains the reality of this year’s Muslim holiday of Eid: Daoud Suleiman Ahmad, 48, an unemployed construction worker, has been unable to find work for almost three years due to the Israeli blockade…

Hacks can’t spin away Olmert’s shameful record

Following the news that former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert arrived in Australia, I submitted the following (unpublished) letter to the major papers: It is revealing that Israel’s former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert swung into Australia virtually unannounced this week and was given a “warm welcome” by the Parliamentary Speaker. Olmert is currently under investigation…

Please hold and cuddle us, begs pro-settler Jew

Australian-born Zionist Isi Leibler – a believer in ex-communicating ‘dissident” Jews – appears in the Melbourne Age to plead for poor, little Israel. The whole world hates her and it’s just not fair. We’re a thriving democracy, he claims. Oh sure, the Palestinians are “suffering” but it’s their own fault. But the more spurious claim…

Olmert is a Zionist legend (argues “journalist”)

When former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert visits America, he is welcomed as a war criminal. In Australia, Foreign Editor Greg Sheridan of Rupert Murdoch’s The Australian treats him like a glorious hero: Ehud Olmert is a giant of contemporary Middle East politics. As Israel’s prime minister he made war – twice – in Lebanon…

Ending colonies in Palestine is anti-Zionist?

A leading settler group The Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip on the Netanyahu government’s decision to “freeze” settlements: “We see the cabinet resolution as illegitimate, discriminatory and anti-Zionist,” said Dani Dayan, who chairs the Council.

The Jakarta Post: Changing people’s perceptions about Jews

The following feature by Desy Nurhayati appears in yesterday’s Jakarta Post: His recent visit to Aceh made Antony Loewenstein the first Jew that most people in the country’s devoutly Muslim province had ever met or engaged with. Some Acehnese he met were surprised to learn that the Jewish-Australian journalist, author of the controversial and best-selling…

Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran (says Jewish historian)

Israeli historian Benny Morris, a man with a serious dislike of Arabs and Iranians, yesterday unloaded in the UK Guardian and urged nothing less than a military strike against the Islamic Republic. Once again, a leading Zionist voice defines his ideology as nothing other than violence and devastation: The talk in Israel, explicit and open…

Australian Zionist figure repeats anti J Street propaganda

Dr Ron Weiser, immediate past president of the Zionist Federation of Australia, has written before about the supposed threat J Street poses to Zionist aggression. Here’s his latest gem, again on J Street and his seeming inability to understand why growing numbers of young American Jews are questioning Israel (it’s called decades of occupation and…

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