Call for support: The One Democratic State Group – Gaza

“The One Democratic State Group is committed to the struggle for Palestinian rights. These rights will never be realized outside the framework of a unitary state with equality for all its citizens. For too long this aim has been a vision. It is time to make it happen, and the ODSG is at the forefront…

How the Israel lobby infects the brightest minds

Adam Shapiro, an award-winning documentary filmmaker and human rights activist, is currently working with the Free Gaza Movement. This is his latest article: One year ago, I watched election results coming in for Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District, where my friend and colleague Tom Perriello was challenging incumbent Virgil Goode, Jr. CNN kept flipping the winner…

Jews who want to hug Hamas, get in line, peoples

I missed this news a few weeks ago (thanks to Promised Land for picking it up) that a majority of Israelis favour some kind of negotiation with Hamas: Israelis don’t oppose negotiations in general – but they don’t feel an urgency to negotiate as well. Things are OK right now, so for all they care,…

Everybody Poops gets an Israeli make-over

News just in! Japanese author Taro Gomi’s beloved children’s book, Everyone Poops, will soon be available in Hebrew. The book candidly and delightfully presents defecation as a natural bodily function performed by virtually every sentient life form on our shared planet. In Everyone Poops, eliminating waste is unselfconscious, essential and nothing to be ashamed of.…

Jewish friends of radical settlers must stick together

Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick dislikes anybody who doesn’t love everything about Israel (especially the settlers and the occupation). Her latest piece argues that a growing number of American Jews are allegedly turning against the Jewish state: Some of Israel’s most high-profile supporters in the US are conservative talk radio and television hosts like Rush…

The shocking human rights carnage in the Middle East

Israeli human rights B’Tselem publishes the facts: Today (Sunday, Nov 22nd), Israeli human rights group B’Tselem commemorates 20 years since its founding with release of data collected by the organization from 1989-2009. This period includes many of the main events of the first Palestinian Intifada, the Oslo period and the Second Intifada, as well as…

Get over the faux fear and speak to Hamas now

Former head of Mossad, Efraim Halevy, who headed the agency from 1998 to 2002, spoke this week to ABC Radio PM about the importance of engaging Hamas: Well as you know I am on record for the last six years saying that Hamas should be part of the solution not part of the problem. In…

The FT knows Israel faces boycott threat

The Financial Times covers the global boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel and finds a long road ahead. The fact that a leading newspaper even acknowledges the risk Israel faces due to its behaviour, including its recent strong editorial implicitly accepting a one-state solution as the only likely way forward, is progress: Yet, despite…

The Israeli left is dead and buried

Yitzhak Laor in Haaretz: The threats uttered against a possible Palestinian declaration of independence by our leaders Benjamin Netanyahu, Avigdor Lieberman and Ehud Barak let the Israeli sanctimony (usually tedious and belabored) drop to the floor for a moment, like a woman’s slip. It exposed the ugly skeleton of force that gives only us freedom…

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