Is Washington’s peace process over?

My latest New Matilda column is about the failure of the two-state solution: With hopes for a two-state solution waning, the resignation of Mahmoud Abbas is prompting new calls for a one-state solution, writes Antony Loewenstein The decision of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resign and not stand in proposed January elections is a blessing…

Goldstone smeared by Peres in typical Israeli style

Richard Goldstone is the leading international judge tasked to investigate Israeli and Hamas war crimes in Gaza. Israeli President Shimon Peres makes a fool of himself while in Brazil (playing the man is a Zionist favourite): Goldstone is a small man, devoid of any sense of justice, a technocrat with no real understanding of jurisprudence.…

J Street broadens public debate on Israel

My following article is published today in Online Opinion: Distinguished South African judge Richard Goldstone wrote the UN report on Israel’s December/January war against the Gazan people. It detailed war crimes by both Israel and Hamas and demanded both entities fully investigate the serious charges of targeting civilians and infrastructure. “Pro-Israel and pro-peace” lobby J…

Dividing and conquering Palestinian lives is what keeps us up at night

Ben White writes in the Guardian on the Israeli-led separation between the West Bank and Gaza: Twenty-one-year-old Palestinian student Berlanty Azzam was seized by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in the West Bank last month. Bound and blindfolded, she was forcibly deported to the Gaza Strip. Berlanty was in her final semester at Bethlehem University…

When one, tiny nation didn’t like war crimes in Gaza

Satire is dead. One little country dares vote to investigate war crimes in Gaza and the Jewish state is appalled, outraged and probably about to accuse the country of anti-Semitism. Ludicrous: Israel is sending a foreign ministry official to the Solomon Islands next week to seek an explanation as to why it was the only…

How two-state believers live in their own, academic world

Following the article in yesterday’s Australian newspaper by Philip Mendes and Nick Dyrenfurth – lovers of enforcing “acceptable” boundaries over Israel/Palestine – that claimed “fundamentalists” have hijacked the Middle East debate, I submitted the following, unpublished letter: Blind supporters of Israel have for decades framed the Jewish state as the victim of a vicious, global…

Jews coming together on refugees and conflict

The following email was just sent to the list of Independent Australian Jewish Voices: Dear friends, After a brutal civil war that massacred tens of thousands in Sri Lanka, many Tamils are seeking to rebuild their lives in Australia and beyond. We have not only a moral responsibility to listen to their pleas as refugees,…

Toronto is the avoidance model from Jerusalem

The recent controversy over the Toronto Film Festival attempting to white-wash Israeli crimes in Palestine appears to be a plan cooked up by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. Rule number one: whenever the occupation is mentioned, change the subject. Or better still, deny the occupation even exists: Imagine this dilemma: You’re Israel’s highest-ranking public relations expert.…

Don’t speak honesty in the US about Palestine, whatever you do

Democratic Representative Dennis Kucinich has often demanded that Israel live up to decent human rights standards. Witness his calls during this year’s Gaza war that Israel may have violated the Arms Export Control Act. This news is therefore unsurprising but once again proves the deformed nature of “debate” in the US over the Middle East:…

The putrid air and reality of Gaza

What have we done? More than 40 years of Israeli military occupation have had a devastating impact on Palestinians in Gaza. Air strikes, artillery shelling, ground invasions, jet flybys and other acts of violence have all led to an epidemic of suffering among Gaza’s most vulnerable inhabitants. The most recent studies indicate that the vast…

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