Let the Palestinian people breath, so Abbas must go

Another day and another condemnation by the Arab world of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. He is leading his people to ruin. Rami Khouri writes: I was at the United Nations two weeks ago when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas spoke at the 60th anniversary of UNRWA, and his performance was thoroughly empty and unimpressive. Abbas…

Mahmoud Abbas and friends urge the killing of Gazans, on tape

Just the latest and perhaps most damning of evidence that the Palestinian Authority is a corrupt, utterly irrelevant yet highly useful tool of Israel and the Americans. How can any Palestinian treat these goons with respect? If true, these allegations are sadly predictable. The following is from Israeli paper Ma’ariv on 5 October (via Norman…

Hamas proves a point the hard way

The Washington Post reports the screaming obvious: after wars, bombardment and blockade, Palestinian resistance has won the day (despite huge costs for the people themselves): A top Israeli security official said there has been a frustrated acknowledgment in Israeli intelligence and military circles that, as it stands, there is no obvious alternative to continued Hamas…

No wonder the West loves Mahmoud Abbas

Omar Barghouti, one of the key leaders of the BDS campaign against Israel, writes about the Palestinian Authority’s capitulation to Israel and the US over the devastating UN Gaza report: It is crucial to remember that the PA does not have any legal or democratic mandate to speak on behalf of the people of Palestine…

Palestinian children should understand the Holocaust

Despite opposition from some within Hamas who deny the gravity of the Jewish Holocaust, the UN should be praised for this move: The United Nations’ refugee agency is planning to include the Holocaust in a new human-rights curriculum for Gaza’s secondary-school pupils, despite strident opposition to the idea from within Hamas. John Ging, the UN…

Israeli propaganda causes confusion once again

The release last week of a video showing Gilad Shalit – a captured Israeli held by Hamas in Gaza – caused an international circus. But, writes Uri Avnery, the truth is something the Western media refuses to acknowledge: Gilad Shalit is a prisoner of war. The denial started at the first moment. The Israeli government…

Reporters might like to consider the Arab point of view

The Australian Committee for Truth in the Middle East, a group with a fine pedigree, offers some advice to journalists covering the Middle East: 1. In Gaza and the West Bank Hamas won popular support – enough to win an election generally regarded in the West as fair (except for the result, of course) –…

Do they speak for Israel or the Palestinians?

The Palestinian Authority, complicit in the occupation, now proves its utter powerlessness yet again: In a startling shift, the Palestinian delegation to the United Nations Human Rights Council dropped its efforts to forward a report accusing Israel of possible war crimes to the Security Council, under pressure from the United States, diplomats said Thursday. The…

The nice benefits given to favoured Palestinians

The Jerusalem Post correctly slams the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (the kind of corrupt and complicit friends colonial powers have always loved): The Palestinian Authority’s actions and rhetoric, especially in the past few weeks and months, show that hypocrisy has become a major component of its official policy. One sometimes wonders whether the PA that speaks…

Gazan lives are ruined to “destroy” Hamas

Could it be any clearer that Israel’s war is against the Palestinian people themselves? Poverty in the Gaza Strip has tripled this year under the Israeli blockade, according to the UN agency helping refugees living there. John Ging, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, told reporters on Thursday that…

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