The nice benefits given to favoured Palestinians

The Jerusalem Post correctly slams the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (the kind of corrupt and complicit friends colonial powers have always loved): The Palestinian Authority’s actions and rhetoric, especially in the past few weeks and months, show that hypocrisy has become a major component of its official policy. One sometimes wonders whether the PA that speaks…

Gazan lives are ruined to “destroy” Hamas

Could it be any clearer that Israel’s war is against the Palestinian people themselves? Poverty in the Gaza Strip has tripled this year under the Israeli blockade, according to the UN agency helping refugees living there. John Ging, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in Gaza, told reporters on Thursday that…

The world cannot forget Gaza outrage

Human Rights Watch on the UN Gaza report: The failure of the United States and European Union governments to endorse the report of the Gaza fact-finding mission sends a message that serious laws-of-war violations will be treated with kid gloves when committed by an ally, Human Rights Watch said today. On September 29, 2009 Justice…

The power of a moderate, Zionist Jew like Richard Goldstone

Israel is bitching to the world that the UN Goldstone Gaza report should be dismissed, ignored, scrubbed from history. And yet cracks are starting to appear, writes Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Israel should thank Judge Richard Goldstone and his commission’s important report. After subjecting him to useless, automatic mudslinging, Israel suddenly realized that it should…

Letting refugees die in the name of punishing Hamas

I heard constantly during my recent visit to Gaza that the Egyptians were as complicit in the blockade as the Israelis. This news is therefore shocking but unsurprising: Rights groups such as Amnesty International have called on the Egyptian authorities to “urgently rein in their border security forces” after seven African asylum-seekers were killed in…

Israel clearly believes hospitals shield terrorists

Israel, your generosity knows few bounds: Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has agreed to transfer construction materials into the Gaza Strip in order to rebuild a Gaza hospital damaged during Operation Cast Lead. Until now Israel has not allowed cement and other constuction materials into the Gaza Strip. Ha’aretz reports that the move is a…

Only bad Jews don’t know how to stay quiet

Jews, your job is to shut up and support Israel. Not clear? Allow Isi Leibler (this Australian born Jew has a pedigree), writing in the Jerusalem Post, explain: We must pay more attention to the threat from within. Today, self-loathing Jews (including Israelis) are at the forefront of almost every campaign to denigrate and defame…

Australian Jewish academics pray for peace (but urge no action)

The saga of holding Israel to account continues. Following the recent call for a campaign against apartheid Israel, played out in the media and online, comes this response by some of Australia’s best-known Jewish academics: We write in response to the two letters published in The Australian on Monday 21 September by Anthony Loewenstein and…

If a Rabbi can be a humanist, what about the rest of us?

American Rabbi Brant Rosen is an outspoken defender of Palestinian rights. Here he is in the Chicago Tribune this week on the occasion of Judaism’s holy day: On Sunday night, the Jewish community will begin our annual Yom Kippur fast. The physical deprivation is a crucial element of the day, but as with many faith…

True justice over Gaza won’t happen on its own

Last week America told the world that the UN Gaza report was terribly unfair to Israel and should essentially be ignored. This week, in yet another sign of Washington’s “seriousness” over Middle East peace, we have this: The United States called on its close ally Israel on Tuesday to conduct credible investigations into allegations of…

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