Israel isn’t mature enough to examine its crimes

Yet more Zionist anger over the UN’s Gaza report. The American Jewish Committee writes in the New York Times that the UN is biased against Israel and the Jewish state is the eternal victim. The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg desperately claims that anti-Semitism is actually the real reason behind criticism of Israel: A number of loyal…

The Zionist lobby coughs blood over Gaza

How does the fundamentalist Zionist lobby manage this week’s devastating UN report on Gaza? Smear the Palestinian witnesses, claim the UN is biased and issue Israeli government talking points. Is Israel the only nation in the world whose army never kills civilians intentionally? Apparently so. UPDATE: Two other Zionist fanatics share their moderate views with…

Some Gazans don’t forget the simple things in life

I certainly didn’t see this in Gaza, but it’s oddly comforting that so-called normality can continue in the face of chaos: High above the pot-holed streets, donkey carts and militant graffiti that have come to define the besieged Gaza Strip sits Rosy, the territory’s only spa and a refuge for its unlikely upper crust. The…

British workers won’t wait for government to act over Palestine

After much soul searching and gnashing of teeth, this decision is significant and timely: The TUC today backed a targeted boycott of Israeli goods originating from illegal settlements and an end to arms sales to IsraelPalestinian territories“. to ramp up the pressure “for an end to the occupation of The decision to step up its…

What the UN Gaza study says about Israel

There is so much fascinating analysis over the UN Gaza report. A choice collection below: Amira Hass in Haaretz: Like the Serbs of yore, we Israelis continue thinking it’s the world that is wrong, and only we who are right. Israel struck a civilian population that remains under its control, it didn’t fulfill its obligation…

Justice means holding Israel to account

The Guardian’s legal affairs correspondent reports on the reverberations of the UN Gaza report: International criminal justice would be “immensely damaged” by a failure to implement any of the recommendations of the UN report, experts said, as Israel and armed groups in Gaza announced their refusal to implement independent investigations. The report, which was described…

Jews, Israel, China, Tibet, anything to change the subject

Yet more letters in today’s Crikey following the ongoing debates about Israel, Zionism, human rights abuses and anti-Semitism: Guy Rundle writes: If Michael Danby (yesterday, comments) thinks that all he was commenting on in his parliamentary speech was Crikey and New Matilda’s comments policy he should, well, read his speech. Here are two excerpts: “Of…

Peace and justice won’t come to Palestine by simply wishing it

Following my article in last week’s Canberra Times, I’m informed by reliable sources at the paper that Jewish academic Dvir Abramovich demanded a right of reply because I had “unfairly libeled… Israelis as extremists.” Yesterday his piece was published and it’s a masterful piece of saying nothing in 800 words. Empty words and slogans, two equal…

What the Gaza war has done to Israel’s image

The fallout from the UN report on Gaza continues. Two pieces have particularly caught my eye. Here’s Norman Finkelstein on Democracy Now!: Well, the report is the last in a large number of reports that have been issued on the Gaza massacre. There were two significant reports issued by Amnesty International, five reports issued by…

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