Israel is running rings around Obama

I share Gideon Levy’s despair in Haaretz over America’s seeming unwillingness to pressure Israel over its settlement program and overall behaviour in the occupied territories. During my recent visit to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, an overall sense of resignation and despair hung everywhere: With great sorrow and deep consternation, we hereby declare the…

Can we just exclude Palestinians entirely?

Peace in our time? No chance, says this pro-settler, Zionist lobby in the US (post the recent Fatah conference in Bethlehem): “This conference made it crystal clear,” said Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein, that “peace is not possible with Hamas or Fatah.”

The silent trauma of war

The scars of endless war in the Gaza Strip and the brave doctors who try and repair the damage: On a Saturday morning in Gaza City, the Artificial Limb and Polio Center (ALPC) is filled with people waiting to see the director, Dr. Hazem al-Shawwa. Following consultation with him and with the specialist in prosthetics…

Killing Gaza piece by piece

Gisha, the Israeli legal centre for Palestinian freedom of movement, released a new report this week: Israel Weakening Gaza Infrastructure ahead of Next War * Report released today says Gaza infrastructure collapse during war could have been prevented. * Israel preventing the EU from providing sufficient quantities of fuel to the Gaza power plant *…

Will Australia stand up and back Hamas?

Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser on the importance of bringing Hamas in from the political cold: Hamas was isolated, violence – predictably – resumed and the whole region paid the price. Israel and America also made attempts to strengthen Fatah, to weaken or destroy Hamas. Such attempts have failed. Fatah’s leadership was not up…

Just how far will Hamas push the Strip?

Ben White in the Guardian on the growing Islamisation of Gaza: But why is this happening now? One answer is that these developments in Gaza are a consequence of the state of siege that the tiny territory has been under – a society that has been fenced-in, starved, and seen its very fabric torn apart…

Just another day in the life of the Gaza tunnels

The tunnels that run from Egypt into Gaza are operating in full view of the Egyptians. The Israelis know what is going on. Now and then, a few tunnels are destroyed by Egypt but business is too good to let them all go. Besides, as I saw myself on the border, they remain a life-line…

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