Making the children in Gaza poor

Rami Almeghari, a journalist and academic based in Gaza and somebody with whom I spent time during my recent visit there, writes for the Electronic Intifada about a phenomenon I saw constantly in the streets: children begging, a problem only getting worse the longer the blockade continues: Although the Palestinian Child Law of 2004 forbids…

Letter from Gaza: Keep off the grass

My following article appears in today’s edition of Crikey: Freelance journalist and author Antony Loewenstein writes from inside Gaza: The American International School in Gaza was bombed on 3 January, completely destroying the institution. Today it is a twisted wreck of concrete, metal and burnt vans. Surreally, when I visited a few days ago I…

Stories from Gaza

My following video and article appears on Mondoweiss: The Western view of Gaza is of a desperate and violent place. Terrorism, extremism, Jew-hatred and poverty merge to create a dangerous brew. The Hamas-controlled territory poses a supposedly existential threat to Israel (and Jews everywhere.) But this is only one side of the besieged Strip. And…

They live, Israel invades

Just another day of destruction in the Gaza Strip, away from prying media eyes or world attention: The Israeli army has launched another cross border attack on the Gaza Strip, opening fire on villagers’ homes south of the impoverished sliver. Israeli tanks and bulldozers rolled hundreds of meters deep into the strip on Wednesday and…

Gaza deserves to feel wanted

It’s about time, though this should not be framed as Israel doing some wonderful favour to the people whom it recently bombed: For the first time since the end of Operation Cast Lead, Israel plans to transfer several hundred tons of cement and other construction materials, including metal pipes, into the Gaza Strip to facilitate…

Zionists who wish Hamas away

Dream on: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that the Palestinian residents of Gaza wanted to replace the current Hamas government, and that they will eventually be successful, Army Radio reported. Speaking at a graduation ceremony in Jerusalem’s National Security College, Netanyahu said “If the Palestinians in Gaza had the power to overthrow the government,…

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