The real stories behind the Gaza outrage

Israeli human rights group Breaking the Silence has released a devastating report of testimonies from Israeli soldiers who saw and did horrible things during this year’s Gaza war. Read it here, here and here. The world’s most moral army, indeed.

Making occupation clean and friendly

Being here in Israel and Palestine, something I hear time and time again is the desperate need for life to be “normal”. Both sides want it, but only one is living under occupation. Due to Israeli human rights groups, the US and even Israeli pragmatism, the West Bank occupation is getting nicer by the day.…

A movement realises good PR

The New York Times reports on the changes in Hamas: Seven months after Israel started a fierce three-week military campaign here to stop rockets from being fired on its southern communities, Hamas has suspended its use of rockets and shifted focus to winning support at home and abroad through cultural initiatives and public relations. The…

This is one way to display anti-Zionism

Showing solidarity with Gaza and Hamas in a very distinct way: Representatives of the anti-Zionist, ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta sect paid a brief visit on Thursday to militantly anti-Israel Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip. The group arrived in Gaza Wednesday night, marking the first time envoys from the tiny ultra-Orthodox sect have come to Gaza…

Gazans deserve being bombed to death

The recent visit to Israel by Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister and a bunch of Murdoch columnists has clearly paid off for the Zionist lobby. Witness this piece by a Melbourne Murdoch editor, Alan Howe: The people of Gaza are set to be the first to bomb themselves back to the Stone Age. Serves them right……

Find out the Gaza truth now

It’s a start, from inside Israel itself: Yesterday’s Haaretz featured a front-page petition, signed by well-known Israeli writers, artists, entertainers, and intellectuals on the center-left side of the political spectrum, calling for an independent investigation into the IDF’s conduct of the Gaza Operation. Here’s the petition in Hebrew.

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