Journalists should take greater responsibility

The following article by Pip Hinman appears in the Green Left Weekly: More than 120 people packed into a seminar “Media complicity: reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009” on May 27 at the University of Technology. The meeting was hosted by Wendy Bacon from the Centre for Independent Journalism and co-sponsored by the Centre for…

If they renounce violence, when will you?

Interesting analysis from the MEC Analytical Group about Britain, Hamas and Hizbollah: There are indications of some flexibility in British policy towards Hamas and Hizbullah. On 21 May the Foreign Secretary David Miliband made a speech at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (text here) in which he called for “a coalition of consent” between…

Repeating bad actions time and time again

This story – Israeli commandos killed a senior Hamas militant in the West Bank on Thursday – led an American colleague to make the following observations: It is a classic Israeli technique to respond to uncomfortable political situations (such as the current moment of too much talk of a “peace process” and of “two states”)…

Directly killing women and children

This report is a few days old – I’ve been flying to the US – but its importance cannot be under-estimated: Amnesty International has accused Israel of repeatedly violating the rules of armed conflict during its recent offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. “Israeli forces repeatedly breached the laws of war, including by carrying…

A citizen’s way to protest oppression

The global BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaign against Israeli apartheid shows no sign of letting up. In fact, it’s only increasing as the political elite continues to ignore the state’s abuses. Here’s an interesting example from Sydney University’s Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies: ABN 15 211 513 464 Dr Jake LynchAssociate Professor and…

Killing Arabs in the name of Judaism

The London Times writes about the growing radicalism of the IDF: During the Gaza war this year, Schmuel Kaufman, a military rabbi from a West Bank settlement, used to stride between the Israeli soldiers’ tents and urge them to fight what he deemed an “obligatory war” ordained by ancient scripture. “It’s a holy war to…

Freedom means offending people

The curious case of US academic William Robinson under attack by the Israel lobby was mentioned here in late April. Since then, however, a number of free speech advocates have come forward to defend Robinson’s right to circulate a blog posting that juxtaposed images of Jews from the Holocaust with images of Palestinians in the…

27th May : Media Complicity? Reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009

The Australian Centre for Independent Journalism and the Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Sydney University present a seminar on: ” Media Complicity? -Reporting Gaza and Sri Lanka 2009”³ What happens when the journalists are shut out? What affect does this have on reporting? How should we be reporting Sri Lanka and Gaza from…

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