Could the UN please grow some balls?

So who will hold Israel to account? One day, companies and individuals that were complicit in these atrocities will face a court of law. Believe it. The Guardian reports: A United Nations inquiry today accused the Israeli military of “negligence or recklessness” in its conduct of the January war in Gaza and said the organisation…

Using Nazism as a Zionist example

Just one of the great minds of the ruling class in 2009 Israel, revealed by Le Monde Diplomatique: David Rotem’s leitmotif is allegiance to the state, but he never spells it out. So much so that, before leaving, we put it to him: “Imagine yourself in Nazi Germany. Where would your loyalty lie?” “To the…

And now over to you, Israel

So who now is serious about peace? Islamic Hamas movement deployed its forces on the outskirts of Gaza Strip to prevent any rocket fire into Israel, witnesses said. The witnesses added that Hamas people in the National Security uniform were checking cars and the identities of people who travel outside the towns, especially in northern…

Take me to your Zionist paradise

Why, asks this poor Jewish reader in the Australian Jewish News this week, is the Melbourne Age so riddled with anti-Semitism and Israel-hatred? And the Jewish establishment wonders why they’re often viewed as paranoid, insecure and seemingly desperate to live in a country where Israel is viewed as the utopia that it clearly is: Hardly…

Taking morality into our own hands

Who says the BDS campaign against Israel isn’t having an effect? On May 4, protesters will greet Motorola shareholders, already disgruntled by the company’s losses, as they arrive for their annual meeting at the Rosemont Theater in Chicago, Illinois. The protest, organized by the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, is part of a…

Anti-democratic and proud of it

Israel is a democracy? Hardly, writes former Israeli politician Shulamit Aloni: …The statistics on the destruction and harm to civilians in the Gaza Strip are familiar to everyone, and not divorced from the oh-so-moral behavior of our army in the occupied territories. In the context of this behavior, for example, the army operates with great…

This is the new major Zionist lobby

Israel lobby J Street in the US is a mixed bag. Its recent statement on Israeli Independence Day is pretty lame and can’t even mention the Palestinians by name. There’s no doubt, however, that the Zionist lobby needs to be challenged. But this statement, just sent to supporters, is an interesting document, an attempt to…

Imagine if the NYT became honest

The following letter was not written in 2001 by Nelson Mandela to the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman (here’s the background story), but its words still resonate today: Dear Thomas, I know that you and I long for peace in the Middle East, but before you continue to talk about necessary conditions from an…

Keep praising those brave IDF boys

Here’s the deal. Zionist Labor MP Michael Danby – an elected politician who seems to love Israel like a beautiful woman and challenge anybody who dares damn Zionist ideology – has complained about an ABC TV program that raised the recent Gaza war. War crimes were committed, but Danby and his media mates won’t tolerate…

Don’t wait for the Yanks

The Palestinian Authority simply doesn’t seem to understand that Washington and Israel aren’t serious about peace. Case for the prosecution: Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian Authority official and a chief negotiator of the Annapolis peace talks , told Israel Radio today that: In December 2008 PA Chairman Abu Mazen submitted to US President George Bush…

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