When the war was over

What we aren’t reading about in the mainstream media: Democracy Now! producer Anjali Kamat files a report on the state of the Gazan economy, where unemployment and poverty rates are among the highest in the world. Despite international pledges of over $5.2 billion to rebuild Gaza, in the four months since Israel’s assault the siege…

Because our friends can do what they want

Sometimes eloquence can occur in only a few words. A letter in today’s Australian newspaper: Israel invades Gaza, kills 1500 people (including women and children) and commits war crimes. The US and UN do nothing (and in fact encourage the killings). The Stalinists in North Korea launch one “communications” satellite and the US and the…

When citizens take things into their own hands

Peace activist Jeff Halper was one of the many who broke Israel’s blockade of Gaza last year by sailing on a boat from Cyprus. The boats are soon to sail again: The Free Gaza Movement will again challenge Israel’s illegal closure of the Gaza Strip and collective punishment of its civilian population by sailing the…

Human rights justice for all

A necessary request from Israel’s leading human rights group, B’Tselem: B’Tselem welcomes the appointment of the jurist Richard Goldstone to head the fact-finding mission, called for by the UN Human Rights Council, to investigate the recent fighting in Gaza. Particularly welcome is the delegation’s mandate, which covers violations of international humanitarian law by both sides,…

Melbourne marks Palestine Solidarity Week

The following article by Kimberly Yu appears in this week’s Green Left Weekly: As part of Palestine Solidarity Week — March 30 to April 3 — renowned Jewish author Antony Loewenstein spoke at campus meetings at La Trobe University, Monash University and the University of Melbourne on April 1. The public lectures were organised by…

Jews are getting the image of being afraid of debate

My following article appears on the leading US blog Mondoweiss: Jeff Halper, Israeli/American peace activist, retired anthropologist and head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD), writes in his recent book, An Israeli in Palestine, of the moment he became a “critical Israeli”: “I first became aware of being an ”˜Israeli in Palestine’ on…

On anti-Semitism, boycotts, and the case of Hermann Dierkes

An open letter from Jewish peace activists in late March: We are peace activists of Jewish background. Some of us typically identify in this way; others of us do not. But we all object to those who claim to speak for all Jews or who use charges of anti-Semitism to attempt to squelch legitimate dissent.…

Barack has a lobby problem

Some things will seemingly never change: The new delivery to Israel of a massive consignment of US munitions, revealed by Amnesty International today, throws into question whether President Obama will act to prevent the US fuelling further Israeli attacks against civilians that may amount to war crimes, as were perpetrated in Gaza.

Where do they learn this stuff?

I’m speaking today in Melbourne for Palestine Solidarity Week. Last night I received the following email (from a Lubavitcher Jew): Hi Anthony, Below is a photo of one excerpt from the display created by students for palestine in Monash Clayton. If you support this revisionism then in my eyes you are not welcome on the…

Northern Ireland could be like Palestine

What’s the word for denying reality time after time after time? Upon the arrival of Sinn Fein President and Northern Irish Republican leader Gerry Adams into the Middle East, Israeli officials will give him the cold shoulder – “We expect all dignitaries who come here to make it clear that they will not dignify Hamas…

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