Learning nothing at all

Amira Hass, Haaretz, March 4: The hundreds of millions of euros that have been donated or pledged to help Gaza, as though it were beset by natural disasters, are overshadowing the trade ties between Europe and Israel. The Western countries concerned about humanitarian aid for the Palestinians also buy from Israel arms and defense knowledge…

Are there really many alternatives?

Australian journalist Paul McGeough, whose fine new book on Hamas and Mossad, Kill Khalid, was released this week – and launched tonight in Sydney to a packed-house – tells Canada’s The Star of his ideal Middle East: I came to the conclusion some time ago that both sides are incapable of achieving a peace on…

And it’s just beginning

Who says the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israel isn’t starting to bite? Although the Israeli economic media doesn’t concern itself with the moral dimension of the attacks on Gaza, the economic dimension of recent events have created a rising level of concern. In order to demonstrate this trend, here are summaries of four…

Ruled by fools

Uri Avnery, February 28: Many people around the world believe in the anti-Semitic myth that we Jews are immensely clever and that all our actions prove our diabolical cunning. Therefore, the ascent of Hamas must be the result of a shrewd Zionist conspiracy. The existence of Abbas (and Arafat before him) hinders the Jews from…

Trying to mask the reality

Gideon Levy writes in Haaretz: As the war in Gaza raged, Israel Defense Forces reservists apparently thought anything was permissible: It was possible, maybe even necessary, to kill innocents, in the West Bank, too. Under cover of war, they thought, they could also kill a handcuffed Palestinian. It may not receive much international media coverage,…

They exist, talk to them

A group of former international peace negotiators on Thursday urged the world and Israel to abandon the policy of isolating Hamas and engage with the Islamist militant group. “The policy of isolating Hamas cannot bring about stability. As former peace negotiators, we believe it is of vital importance to abandon the failed policy of isolation…

Stop the killing machines

White phosphorus bombs used by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip were produced and supplied by American arms manufacturers, according to an Amnesty International report that called for a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. … A Palestinian human rights group has filed a lawsuit at the High Court in London over the United Kingdom’s continuation…

What any humane leader would think

Why Turkey will no longer remain silent in the face of Israeli crimes in Palestine. The Jewish state’s isolation over its barbarity grows. Over to you, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan: We are always telling them [Hamas)]to act differently, that we are for a two-state solution: Palestine and Israel. They have to accept this, but…

Trying looking elsewhere for friends

A Jerusalem Post columnist asks the difference between the counter-insurgency tactics employed by Israel and Sri Lanka. He can’t understand why the Jewish state is condemned for tackling “terrorism”, but Sri Lanka is seemingly praised for routing the Tamil Tigers. In fact, both countries employ terror to achieve their goals and neither will succeed. Of…

The useless EU

European Union aid has been given to an Israeli oil company which has reduced the supply of fuel to Gaza as part of an economic blockade internationally recognized as illegal, Brussels officials have admitted.

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