Israel must pay for crimes

My following article appears in the Australian Financial Review today: Israel’s war against Gaza has left the blockaded strip in ruins. The president of the French section of Medecins Sans Frontieres, Marie-Pierre Allie, wrote recently that her organisation had “been present during armed conflicts for nearly four decades” but “it is difficult to recall a…

But where are the actions?

Ari Shavit, Haaretz, January 29: At its core, the Israeli majority is what it was before: realistic and pragmatic. It recognizes that the occupation is futile, but is looking for a safe way to end it. It recognizes that the Greater Israel vision is finished, but fears having a Hamas state on the outskirts of…

Isolating the Israelis

During the current Davos economic forum, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan had enough of Israeli President Peres’ lies and walked off the stage saying he will never come back. Peres tried to claim the people in Gaza were not living under humanitarian stress. There is only way to deal with such people; shun them:…

A new dawn will leave some behind

Israel can commit war crimes because it’s Israel. That’s essentially the message from Harvard Law Professor and Zionist fanatic Alan Dershowitz. His upcoming book is titled, “The Case Against Israel’s Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand In The Way of Peace.” Try not to laugh, though I know it’s hard. Former US President…

Yes, they receive stories from the Israeli government

The Australian Jewish News features the following photo on its homepage (no, there wasn’t just a war in Gaza that devastated the area): Yuval Rotem, Israel’s ambassador to Australia, was one of the first in the world to cast a vote in Israeli elections. Thursday (January 29) was the first day for absentee voting with…

Zionist morality must be on holiday

Time magazine reporter Tim McGirk writes for the magazine’s website with startling honesty about his experiences in Gaza: There’s something about phosphorus, the way it smoulders and burns for days, that makes it looks as though the Devil had walked by, leaving fiery footprints in the earth. I saw phosphorus today in a bombed out…

War crimes? What war crimes?

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been deeply weakened by his complicity with Israel and the Americans over the last years. The result for his people? Nothing. But his comments on Tuesday – probably as a way to defend himself from siding with Israel over his fellow Palestinians, Hamas – were necessarily strong: We will do…

Possible friends dropping like flies

While Gerry Adams, the former Irish “terrorist”, calls for engagement with Hamas, many Arab bloggers have started a campaign to cease using the word “Israel” and instead refer to the Jewish state as “Israhell“.

Respecting life would be a good start

Human rights were violated on both sides of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas. United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Chief John Holmes blasted Hamas Tuesday for its “cynical” use of civilian facilities during recent hostilities in the Gaza Strip. “The reckless and cynical use of civilian installations by Hamas and indiscriminate firing of rockets against…

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