Don’t bother us with the law

Democracy Now! hosts a debate between dissident historian Norman Finkelstein and former American ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk. The most interesting comment, by Indyk, is his dismissal of international law towards Israel as simply “legal resolutions.” No wonder Israel is a rogue state. A person such as Indyk is a key impediment towards peace in…

Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

How to look like you’re ethical

In my recent essay in Overland magazine, The Resource Wars, I argued, among many other things, that the Jewish state was allowed to commit war crimes by much of the West because of the Holocaust, the Zionist lobby and racism towards Arabs. In this week’s Australian Jewish News, regular columnist Michael Visontay, senior editor in…

The American mind moves slowly

The US House and Senate competed yesterday to see who could be most pro-Israel. Meanwhile, back in reality, even the slavishly pro-Zionist New York Times may be opening its eyes to Israeli aggression.

We need this man

When you need somebody serious to fully explain the reality of the Israel/Hamas conflict, who do you turn to? Er, an ignorant workman? Joe the Plumber is taking on a new job. The Ohio man, who became famous during the US presidential campaign after asking Barack Obama about his tax plan, is heading to Israel…

Invitation to Sderot

The following letter appears today in the Melbourne Age: Dear Antony Loewenstein, having confessed that you are a good Australian Jew, may I suggest, that before you condemn the Israeli Government’s “grossly disproportionate military assault on Gaza”, take yourself and your 110 colleagues to Israel and spend a day or two in Sderot. After all,…

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