Joining the dots is key

At least one mainstream media journalist, from CNN, questions the morality and legality of Israel using US-provided “defensive” weapons when killing Palestinian civilians. And while most Jewish groups remain silent or complicit in the current futility, I praise this brave Jew from Vermont who correctly compares…  the situation in Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto. Jews…

A Jewish voice of reason

Jewish English comedian Alexei Sayle, at a protest in London on Saturday: As a Jew, it’s very moving to see so many people who are so outraged at Israel’s actions. Israel is a democratic country that is behaving like a terrorist organization.

Two Jews, far apart

Despite It’s military might, Israel is a weak and dying state. So writes Oren Ben-Dor. I don’t quite share his position, though do believe that global public opinion has rarely been so opposed to the Jewish state and its apartheid policies. Then, reading a piece in Haaretz such as this, when Israel is encouaged to…

What a noble enterprise

Supporters of Israeli aggression – including supposedly reform-minded Jewish leaders in the US – must be so proud of their country’s handiwork. “Moderate” Arab leaders are discredited for trying to destroy Hamas, the Islamist group is morally strengthened and a popular uprising against corrupt, pro-US Arab regimes has started. Mission accomplished. The futility of it…

Money, Jews and power

Salon’s Glenn Greenwald: Is there any other significant issue in American political life, besides Israel, where (a) citizens split almost evenly in their views, yet (b) the leaders of both parties adopt identical lockstep positions which leave half of the citizenry with no real voice?… … More notably still, is there any other position, besides Israel, where…

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