The Jewish gift to the world

Palestinian human rights have been abused throughout 40 years of Israeli occupation, according to the UN General Assembly’s special rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. In a report to the UN General Assembly in New York, Richard Falk said Israel’s occupation – of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and, until 2005, the…

Hearing both voices

The ceasefire between Israel and Hamas is holding. A blogger in Gaza reflects on his tough situation and his friend in Sderot explains how life has marginally improved for him. This is just one example of what the blogosphere can achieve; better cross-cultural understanding.

Those kids must have been terrorists

A prominent Palestinian human rights group says it has found evidence that 68 children were killed in the Gaza Strip in the 12 months to June this year as a result of “disproportionate and excessive lethal force” by the Israeli military.

Letting the people suffer

Sara Roy, a Jewish political economist from Harvard University, is in Australia over the next weeks (more here.) Here’s a recent interview where she explains the ongoing Zionist occupation of Gaza:

Widening the debate down under

As a co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, the following email was just sent out to our list: Dear friends, Since we were last in touch, we’ve been making efforts with other groups to organise visiting speakers along the lines we had indicated. We would like to inform you of our plans. Jeff Halper, a…

Besieged from the inside?

My latest article for New Matilda discusses the troubles ahead for Israel: Radical Zionists made gains under Ehud Olmert, but their actions are pushing Israel towards catastrophe. The new Prime Minister must stop the settlers, writes Antony Loewenstein In mid-September, during the dying days of his leadership, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert boldly stated that…

When peace is never achievable

Middle East Report editorial, Fall 2008: It’s easy to forget, but the United States has a pressing year-end deadline to meet in Israel-Palestine as well as in Iraq. At Annapolis in November 2007, President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to “make every effort” to hammer out…

Our ideal stooge

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas tells Haaretz about his position on the right of return: There are today five million Palestinian refugees whose forefathers were expelled from the area of Israel, not from the West Bank and Gaza. We understand that if we demand of you that all five million return to Israel, the State of…

The right to education

The Jewish state punishes all the Gazan people for the acts of a few: More than 400 would-be university students remain trapped in the Gaza Strip, unable to leave for studies abroad – including one accepted at Ryerson University – and now the Israel Broadcasting Authority is refusing to accept paid advertisements calling attention to…

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