Lining up to die

Just when the Middle East conflict couldn’t get any more heated: After decades of bitter conflict and the loss of thousands of innocent lives, Israeli and Palestinian forces clashed once again this week, with each side laying claim to a five-mile stretch of desperately needed cemetery space. Fighting over the disputed territory, which is located…

Telling it like it isn’t (on Israel/Palestine)

My latest New Matilda column is about the Western media’s delusions over the Middle East: Distortions, delusions, misrepresentations. No wonder Western leaders and media don’t understand the popularity of groups like Hezbollah and Hamas in the Arab world It shouldn’t come as any surprise that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is consistently voted the most popular…

Turning a blind eye

The noble, torturing Jewish state in all its squalor. (Of course, Zionists prefer to focus on the UN’s supposed anti-Semitism. Israeli human rights abuses? Perish the thought.)

Teaching the West a few lessons

Hamas are routinely described as terrorists, murderers and other tasty put-downs. Hardline Zionists must be so disappointed that the Islamist group appears to be holding the ceasefire in Gaza.

Reporting is a crime

The Cairo-based Arabic Network for Human Rights Information reports on yet another example of apartheid Israel: The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information “ANHRI.Net”condemns the detention of Palestinian Journalist Mohammad Omer Mughir by Israeli Occupation Forces. Muhammad was detained, assaulted and interrogated on June 27th upon his return to Gaza after receiving the 2008 Martha…

Israel’s Orwellian love of peace

Since it went into effect last week, at least eight violations of the new ceasefire agreement with Hamas and the Palestinian factions have been recorded, a UN source told Ynet on Thursday. According to the source, seven violations were committed by the IDF, while the Palestinians are responsible for just one.

Believing in the ceasefire

Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada, June 20: After the unremitting hell that Israel has inflicted on Palestinians in Gaza, one can only feel relief and even joy at the ceasefire agreed between Hamas and the Jewish state that took effect this week. Its significance extends well beyond Gaza and opens new possibilities as the disastrous Bush…

The online fight-back

With a truce between Hamas and Israel coming into force today, the sad likelihood of it lasting is virtually nil, but at least death and destruction will be on hold. For now (until Israel decides to properly re-invade Gaza.) Meanwhile, Palestinian militants are taking their battle into cyberspace: The Palestinian Islamist movement, Islamic Jihad, has…

Jewish impediment to peace, part 5673

Prof. Mordechai Kedar of the Arab Studies Department in Bar-Ilan University argues on al-Jazeera that Jerusalem will always remain the undivided capital of the Jewish state and Israel’s occupation of the West Bank isn’t actually an occupation at all. These are the voices, too rarely heard in the West, that have made a two-state solution…

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