What is there to be proud of?

As Israel’s 60th anniversary approaches, the country’s creeping apartheid continues: Among the many tools used in the battle between Israel’s Arabs and Jews, you can add a new one: gentrification. The Arab Association for Human Rights alleges that Arab residents in a seaside neighborhood of Jaffa are being driven out so that the area can…

Zionists admire the blue sky

The Middle East is on fire. Israel is killing Palestinian civilians in Gaza. But the Australian Jewish News decides to feature on the front page of its website the following “story“: Israeli Ambassador Yuval Rotem and his family visited Dreamworld and WhiteWater World on the Gold Coast this week for some holiday thrills. Rotem tried…

Liberation for all

Forward editorial, April 10: Passover is a time, first of all, to speak of real liberation from all-too-real bondage. This Passover is a time to speak of Zimbabwe and Tibet — and perhaps even Gaza.

A fair comparison?

The next UN investigator into Israeli conduct in the occupied territories has stood by comments comparing Israeli actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis. Speaking to the BBC, Professor Richard Falk said he believed that up to now Israel had been successful in avoiding the criticism that it was due.

We must engage Hamas

My latest New Matilda column is about the need to talk to Hamas and speak honestly about Israel’s ever-expanding occupation: The international isolation of Hamas has failed. This is not merely the opinion of those who believe that the democratically elected Palestinian Government should be engaged, but includes a number of prominent Israelis, including Yossi…

Moving forward (without dogma)

Former Israeli official Daniel Levy – writer of the essential blog Prospects for Peace – offers thoughts to the next US President (though clearly the idea of engaging Hamas is something the Australian government is already keen to ignore, preferring to stick with failed policies of the Bushies): Contrary to popular misperception, Hamas and al-Qaeda…

The Zionist land grabs go on

Following my joint op-ed in yesterday’s Age newspaper, the following letters appear in today’s edition: IT IS refreshing to see the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (Opinion, 31/03) discussed in such a dispassionate manner. No emotive rhetoric denouncing the other side’s horrors but conveniently ignoring their side’s horrors, but simply the facts as they really…

Self-defence or brutal occupation?

The following article, co-written with a colleague, appears in today’s Age newspaper: On the world stage, Israel has been traditionally cast as David in a battle against Goliath. But this is too simplistic, for Israel is not without its sins, write Peter Slezak and Antony Loewenstein. Speaking honestly about Israel and Palestine has always been…

Saluting a humanitarian Jew

The humanity of Jewish musician Daniel Barenboim continues to reverberate around the world: Controversial conductor to lead orchestra of Israeli, Palestinian youths in concert ‘against ignorance’ in Jerusalem, says he will not partake in upcoming festivities marking Israel’s independence out of respect for Palestinian suffering Israeli conductor Daniel Barenboim will lead an orchestra of 33…

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