The Zionist creed

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, January 21: Has the daily mass killing in Gaza improved the security situation? No, it has only made it worse. Has it reduced the number of Qassams? No, it has led to their proliferation. So why are we killing? We need “to do something” and there needs to be “a price tag.”…

Killing peace one step at a time

This is how a Middle East “democracy” behaves: Gaza City was plunged into darkness Sunday after Israel blocked the shipment of fuel that powers its only electrical plant in retaliation for persistent rocket attacks by Gaza militants. The Strip’s only power station is now closed and the UN has condemned the collective punishment. Meanwhile, some…

Bombing without concern

War crimes aren’t war crimes when carried out by principled Zionists (according to Israeli law): The Israel Defense Forces will not take legal action against senior officers who were involved in the firing of cluster bombs into populated areas in southern Lebanon during the Second Lebanon War, the Military Advocate General said Monday. Brigadier General…

War crimes revealed

Dr. Eyad Sarraj is a psychiatrist and human rights activist who lives in the Gaza Strip. He told a group of Israeli peace activists last week in Tel Aviv the real situation in the Israeli-isolated territory: Local water is undrinkable. Israel does not let in bottled water. Nor does Israel allow the importation of water…

The ethical choice

Morality still exists in Israel: Over 10,000 posters warning of a power outage were plastered over residential doors and public locations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa by left wing activists in protest of the government’s decision to cut-back the power supply to the Gaza Strip. Dozens of activists participated in the overnight operation which…

The futility of yet another meeting

Laila El-Haddad, Guardian Comment is Free, November 22: Even in the worst of times, there’s one thing we’re never short of in our troubled part of the world: another conference, meeting, declaration, summit, agreement. Something to save the day, to “steer” us back to whatever predetermined path it is we are or were meant to…

The decision is clear

Nadia Hijab, Institute for Palestine Studies, Number 22, November 13: Throughout the decades of occupation, the international community has “urged” Israel to change its policies. Western donors also invested in major infrastructure during the Oslo peace process, like the Gaza airport that Israel later destroyed. Donors have also tried to mitigate the worst consequences of…

The region has changed

Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khalid Mish’al, November 5, Damascus: The United States today is not the same as it was 10 years ago. Israel today is a different Israel than that of 10 years ago. The forces of resistance and opposition today are different than those of 10 years ago. The awareness of the people…

The growing power of resistance

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, November 11: The group of reservist paratroopers returned all astir: Hamas fought like an army. The comrades of Sergeant-Major (Res.) Ehud Efrati, who fell in a battle in Gaza about two weeks ago, told Amos Harel that “in all parameters, we are facing an army, not gangs.” The soldiers of the Israel…

Let them die

Amira Hass, Haaretz, November 7: Alan Johnston, the BBC corresponded kidnapped in Gaza, related in an interview that at a relatively early stage, he started suffering from all kinds of aches because of the water he drank. This was the same water that the kidnappers drank, but Johnston’s unaccustomed body sent warning signals: This is…

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