Life and death inside the Gaza Strip

My… feature story in UAE newspaper The National on my recent trip into Gaza. I last visited the territory in 2009 (here’s my short film from that trip and my major report). The National published my story as its cover feature this weekend (see the PDF here:… gazacover-final… +… gazainside-final): During the 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas in…

How Israel is gradually privatising its occupation of Palestine

My investigation in US magazine The Nation (print and online) about Israel privatising its occupation of Palestinian land. It’s co-written with the great, London-based journalist Matt Kennard. This work continues my years-long research into disaster capitalism globally: It’s 4:30… am… with the moon still high in the sky, but Palestinians from across the West Bank are already…

What happens if Israeli occupies Palestine forever?

My essay in UAE newspaper The National: From its beginning, Israel’s settlement project was shrouded in secrecy. Newly uncovered documents from 1969, two years after Israel’s takeover of the West Bank and Gaza, revealed that the military censor was used to keep documents hidden that proved the establishment of illegal settlements. After 50 years of…

US magazine Truthout interview on disaster capitalism and Gaza

My interview in US magazine Truthout by Dan Falcone: Dan Falcone recently interviewed journalist, blogger, filmmaker,… activist and author Antony Loewenstein in East Jerusalem via Skype to discuss his current film project,… Disaster Capitalism… — inspired by his 2015 book,… Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe… (Verso, 2015),… as well as a host of domestic and foreign issues impacting…

Newsweek Middle East cover story on Israel's settler movement

I’m now based in East Jerusalem as a freelance journalist and I was thrilled to recently secure the cover story in Newsweek Middle East (15 June edition) on Israel’s settler movement (+ here are my photos from the assignment): The full story, over 3000 words, is below (and here’s the published PDF version: newsweekfeatureonisraelisettlers): Har…

The risk and financial cost of speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine

Crikey is one of Australia’s best independent news websites. I… contributed extensively over the years from 2009 – 2012. Its current departing editor, Marni Cordell, with whom I worked when she edited another great Australian site, New Matilda, has written a revealing article that interviews previous Crikey editors and their experiences. It contains this anecdote that…

Israel's biggest anti-BDS conference hits Jerusalem

My story in Mondoweiss… (my photos here): One of Israel’s biggest newspapers staged the country’s first national… conference… against the… boycott, divestment and sanctions… (BDS) movement this week in Jerusalem.… Yedioth Ahronoth… and its website… Ynet… organized a day-long event that featured the majority of leading Israeli politicians and many cultural figures. Fear, paranoia, anger and determination was ubiquitous amongst the panelists and audience.…

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