“Sure, you could say this was a Twitter War”

Joseph Dana in Roads and Kingdoms challenges some of the more absurd claims in the corporate media about the Israel/Hamas conflict: Sure, you could say this was a Twitter War.…  You would say that, of course, because Israel announced the launch of the fighting on Twitter. You would say that because after the fighting started,…

What must happen in Gaza now for the sake of peace and justice

Israeli human rights group Gisha writes: November 22, 2012. As the ceasefire agreement takes force, Israel has an opportunity to finally end the civilian closure of Gaza and enter into regional arrangements that will allow residents of Gaza the freedom of movement to which they have a right, while protecting the security to which residents…

“The Palestinian people have rights not just aspirations”

Australian Greens leader Christine Milne tried to amend a motion in the Federal Senate this week to say that Palestinians have “rights”. The Senate said no. Welcome to one of the most fundamentalist Zionist parliaments in the world and bravo the Greens for being willing to say that Palestinians are human beings:

A singularly rare voice in Australian parliament that defends Palestine

Federal Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon speaks truthfully about what’s been happening in Gaza and the Middle East, unlike the sheep in the two major parties who simply mouth platitudes about Israel and receive their talking points from the Zionist lobby or political leadership. The following speech was given by Rhiannon on 20 November: The other…

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