Liberal Norwegians back Palestine so therefore what do they expect?

While both the Left and Right have widely discussed the political ramifications of the massacre in Norway, it takes a particular hardline Zionist, in the Jerusalem Post, to write this (thank you Barry Rubin for revealing what Zionism has done to my people): One of the most sensitive aspects of the murderous terrorist attack in…

Two Australian activists make history in Israel

Bravo: According to various news reports, two ”˜air flotilla’ activists who arrived in Israel last Friday have been allowed to remain in Israel (and travel to the West Bank freely) on the condition that they ”˜refrain from disrupting the peace.’ The activists were part of the ”˜Welcome to Palestine’ campaign which sent hundreds of European…

When “liberals” see their role as defending occupying Israel

Australian academic Nick Dyrenfurth clearly has much time on his hands, writing essay after essay defending the glories of Israel but essentially ignoring the reasons so many people are increasingly against a state that willingly discriminates against Arabs based on race. He’s… s a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Discipline of Work and Organisational Studies at…

Australian Zionist lobby wants no aid money for Palestinians

Union Aid Abroad – APHEDA does wonderful work in many corners of the globe. But its focus in Palestine has caused the local Israel lobby to pressure the Australian government to sever ties to the group. This isn’t likely but once again highlights the toxic nature of the Zionist mainstream on decency and morality. During…

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