Real message of Marrickville BDS; Zionists scared of focus on occupation

It’s one day before the New South Wales election. Sydney’s Marrickville council embraced BDS late last year and since then we’ve seen a litany of hysterical attacks by the Zionist lobby, Liberal Party, Labor Party and Murdoch press. The main “issues”? The Greens are anti-Semitic, want Israel destroyed and hate Jews. That’s the kind of…

Israel’s Gestapo cranks up to find traitors in their midst

Israel is unclear whether damning the illegal colonies is acceptable discussion or not? Like so many Jews in the Diaspora who always demand better Zionist PR – don’t change any policies, of course, just try and sell them better – this latest attempt smacks of desperation: Military Intelligence is collecting information about left-wing organizations abroad…

Israel kidnaps man and the world yawns

Gaza-based journalist Rami Almeghari on a story that happens all-too-often; the Zionist state simply steals a person. And Zionists wonder why Israel is viewed so negatively across the world: In mid-January Derar Abu Sisi, 42, the operations director of Gaza’s sole electricity-generating plant, left the Gaza Strip for Ukraine where he was applying for citizenship,…

Bibi spins on CNN while Gaza continues to burn

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to CNN and lies by saying his country lifted all the restrictions on Gaza (truth here) and the left is now working with radical Islamists to bring down the Zionist state. Ah, Bibi, I’m sure the Zionist lobby still loves you but nobody else accepts your delusions and occupying…

Australia’s Labor party has no principles over Middle East

Following my story in yesterday’s Crikey about Sydney’s Marrickville council embracing BDS against Israel and the role of Federal Labor Minister Anthony Albanese, this appears in today’s Crikey: What is Anthony Albanese’s position on the Palestinian issue? Albo in opposition went on a PLO-funded “study tour” of the West Bank and Gaza with Ali Kazak,…

Who says BDS isn’t working against Israel?

Example one: The Israeli security firm Hashmira, which is owned by the Danish concern G4S, announced last weekend it will stop providing equipment to security installations over the Green Line. The move comes in the wake of public pressure in Denmark following a report from the Coalition of Women for Peace, which runs the “Who…

If only Israeli state really cared about stopping terrorism

The recent murder of Jewish settlers in the West Bank was an appalling act of terrorism. No ifs or buts. But watch the debased response of the Zionist state to this outrage. Haaretz editorial: The despicable murder of five members of the Fogel family on Saturday is a crime against every human being. But the…

Civil space shrinking in Gaza thanks to Hamas, Israel and Egypt

The Islamist group does itself no favours with such behaviour: Hamas authorities in Gaza should immediately lift bans arbitrarily imposed on books and newspapers, Human Rights Watch said today. Hamas security officers recently confiscated copies of novels from bookstores on the basis of their allegedly “immoral” content, and Hamas officials bar newspapers from being brought…

Gaddafi admires Zionist killing in Gaza

Oh my. Israel must be so pleased that Libyan dictator Gaddafi is citing its massacre of Palestnians in a positive light: Long-time Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said Monday in an interview with TV network France 24 that his violent crackdown on opposition protesters is akin to Israel’s efforts to defend itself from extremism during its…

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