What do we want in 2011?

Jewish American blogger and writer Max Ajl is currently in Gaza and wrote this moving post about his wish list for 2011: A friend of mine here said that what we need are not “new year’s resolutions but new year’s revolutions.” So what do I hope for in this New Year? I hope for revolutions.…

Operation Cast Lead two years on

Today is the 2nd anniversary of Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza. Tragically, tensions are building once more: Ilan Pappe agrees. Palestinian civil society releases a statement today that stresses what the international community must do; hold the Zionist state to account: We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on…

Seattle buses spread message of Zionist crimes

American civil society takes a stand: Buses in downtown Seattle will carry advertisements about “Israeli war crimes” to mark the second year since the Gaza war. The Seattle Midwest Awareness Campaign has paid $1,794 to place the advertisements on 12 buses beginning Dec. 27, the day Israel entered Gaza to stop rocket attacks on its…

Fatah keen for occupier to murder Hamas

What do you call Palestinians who urge Israel to bomb fellow Palestinians? Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wanted unprecedented help from Israel in attacking Hamas during the clashes just prior to the militant group’s bloody coup of the Gaza Strip, according to a classified cable leaked by WikiLeaks on Monday. In a cable dated June 13,…

Women with strong views campaigning in Gaza

Palestinian feminist Asma Al-Ghoul pushes for secularism in Islamic Gaza. It’s vital that growing Islamisation under Hamas is challenged: Recently Asma garnered media attention for two incidents with the Hamas police. In the summer of 2009, she walked on a public Gaza beach with a mixed gender group, and visited a former male colleague and…

Getting out of the West Bank is for real Israeli security

Martin van Creveld, The Jewish Forward, 15 December: Keeping all these facts in mind — and provided that Israel maintains its military strength and builds a wall to stop suicide bombers — it is crystal-clear that Israel can easily afford to give up the West Bank. Strategically speaking, the risk of doing so is negligible.…

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