What’s wrong with humiliating Palestinians?

These two pieces really speak for themselves. The moral corruption of the Israeli occupation in all its gruesome detail. First up, Aluf Benn in Haaretz: The photographs of the female soldier Eden Abergil on Facebook with the young, bound Palestinians did not “shock” me, as did the automatic responses of people on the left who…

Gideon Levy on Zionist degredation

Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy speaking in Scotland on 16 August: The Israeli media is the biggest collaborator of the occupation in Israel. Israeli journalist Gideon Levy speaking in Dundee from Robert Stewart on Vimeo. Unsurprisingly, UK Zionists are accusing Levy of spreading “hatred” on his tour.

Finding a way to make Arabs invisible in Israel

The fact that Palestinians living in Israel proper aren’t equal citizens in the state proves the lie of Israel being a real democracy. Gideon Levy in Haaretz outlines the growing push to eradicate Arabs from the Knesset altogether: The State of Israel owes a great debt to the Arab public and to the members of…

What are we doing to arrest Israel’s slide into authoritarianism?

There really isn’t anybody like Gideon Levy in Haaretz. His latest piece is stunning, and although it’s directed at Israeli Jews who look away as their country is declining towards fascism, his criticism could equally be targeting the Zionist Diaspora who largely remain silent when occupation deepens and outright racism is a daily fact of…

The nightmare in Hebron

Another day and another violent arrest of peaceful protesters in the West Bank (Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana explain). For Palestinians, however, every day is a potential nightmare. Here’s Gideon Levy on one painful story: The scars speak for themselves: a scorched hole in the middle of his forehead, like a mark of Cain, two…

Who’s your Zionist loving Daddy, Israel?

What does an Israeli patriot want? Gideon Levy sees an Israeli population convinced the world is against them and only keen to hear reassuring comments about the nobility of the Jewish state. The Wall Street Journal opinion page would agree. Here’s Shelby Steele today claiming that anti-Semitism is at the heart of the world’s growing…

Bring on the Tea Party in the Jewish state

There is no real opposition party in Israel. The nation is increasingly mirroring the Tea Party movement in the US – see here for a thorough explanation about how Israel believes it can simply ignore global opinion, a nice little delusion that won’t last when BDS starts to hit more – and sees blind defence…

Seriously, nobody believes Israel had the right to storm a boat at night

It takes a moral giant such as Gideon Levy in Haaretz to articulate what Israel has become: Like in “Mini-Israel,” the park where there is everything, but smaller, Israel embarked yesterday on a mini Operation Cast Lead. Like its larger, losing predecessor, this operation had it all: the usual false claim that is was they…

Perhaps Israel would like to silence Gazans permanently

The Gaza flotilla continues its merry way toward the Strip before the inevitable provocation by Israel (so much for Gaza being an independent territory when Israel says it has the right to stop the ships landing on the shore). The cost of the Israeli operation will be millions of shekels. Such money well spent. Gideon…

Is there any way to get rid of these pesky Israeli Arabs?

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on what most Israeli Jews would like to happen to the Arab minority: The truth is, more than anything, we would like them to disappear, though not their hummus restaurants. A second choice would be to have them all crowd into their cities and villages – not to say their ghettos.…

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