The occupation is a daily source of justified fury

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on the Jewish state’s uncanny ability to cause terrorism: It is not difficult to understand the agonizing decision facing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet ministers. It would be very hard to accept a negative decision on their part. Gilad Shalit must be freed at any cost, all the more…

Will the real occupying Israel please stand up?

The essential Gideon Levy in Haaretz wishes Israel would finally come out of the closet and admit what it really is: Tomorrow will mark six months since the prime minister’s foreign policy speech at Bar-Ilan University. It’s now time for another historic speech. In the near future, the prime minister needs to convene the right…

No entry, says Israel, because you’re Arab

Gideon Levy reminds us in Haaretz that only Israel gets away with discrimination on the basis of being Palestinian: In no other city is access to holy places restricted according to the believer’s age, as Muslims who seek to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque are restricted.

Please hold and cuddle us, begs pro-settler Jew

Australian-born Zionist Isi Leibler – a believer in ex-communicating ‘dissident” Jews – appears in the Melbourne Age to plead for poor, little Israel. The whole world hates her and it’s just not fair. We’re a thriving democracy, he claims. Oh sure, the Palestinians are “suffering” but it’s their own fault. But the more spurious claim…

Gideon Levy on Israel: we are in a coma

Gideon Levy, a fine Israeli journalist, speaks to the Real News Network: I know there is a change in the Jewish community in the United States, but it’s too little and too late…Israel, the Israeli society, is in a situation of coma for at least ten years.

Peres is the kind, gentle side of Israeli expansion

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: [Israeli President Shimon] Peres is our beautiful and misleading face. Equipped with the ability to delude, one of the founders of the settlement movement has turned into Israel’s Mr. Peace. He travels the world, generating admiration for his physical stamina, scattering empty promises and slogans. He calls on Palestinian President Mahmoud…

J Street broadens public debate on Israel

My following article is published today in Online Opinion: Distinguished South African judge Richard Goldstone wrote the UN report on Israel’s December/January war against the Gazan people. It detailed war crimes by both Israel and Hamas and demanded both entities fully investigate the serious charges of targeting civilians and infrastructure. “Pro-Israel and pro-peace” lobby J…

Israelis believe in two states (in words but not in deeds)

Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Along with opinion polls showing that most Israelis support a two-state solution, it appears that those who seek peace and justice are in a clear majority. Everyone is sitting cozily in the “painful concessions” lounge. But this of course is a delusion. As soon as the spotlights are turned off and…

Terrorism is defined by the West Bank project

Just how many Jewist terrorists exist in Israel? As importantly, almost daily abuse of Palestinians in the West Bank by Jewish settlers is both ignored and defended by the Jewish state: A senior Shin Bet official said Jewish terrorists that have not been caught are still at large and may be planning future attacks, Israel…

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