The Blogging Revolution lands

My following essay appears in today’s Weekend Australian newspaper: The young online tribe is more interested in discussing sex, drugs and rock’n’roll than political revolution, writes Antony Loewenstein Early last month, some Iranian members of parliament voted to debate a draft bill that aimed to “toughen punishment for disturbing mental security in society” by adding…

The Anglo influence

Is this new citizen journalism program from YouTube the way to find stories the MSM usually ignores? Probably, but I’m heathily skeptical about the kind of perspectives shorts only allowed in English will produce?

Do you trust this search engine?

Never. Trust. Internet. Companies: Several Internet and broadband companies have acknowledged using targeted-advertising technology without explicitly informing customers, according to letters released Monday by the House Energy and Commerce Committee. And Google Inc., the leading online advertiser, stated that it had begun using Internet tracking technology that enabled it to more precisely follow Web-surfing behavior…

Too much power is never a good thing

According to the MediaGuardian 100 list – the most influential media figures in the UK – Google’s Sergey Brin and Larry Page (both Americans) top the list. Why? Brin and Page’s creation dominates the UK online search market, with eight out of 10 searches through Google. The UK is its second most valuable territory behind…

Battle of the Brainwashed

My latest New Matilda column is about the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit in Budapest last week: Are Chinese netizens any more thin-skinned than Westerners when attacked online for their opinions? Antony Loewenstein reports from the Global Voices Citizen Media Summit During the Harvard University sponsored Global Voices Citizen Media Summit 2008 in Budapest last…

Those anti-Semitic Google types

Zionist activists beware: Google Earth is a “new platform for anti-Israel propaganda and replacement geography” (if you believe this hardline Jewish group.) And the reason? “Virtual Israel, as represented by Google Earth, is littered with orange dots, many of which claim to represent ‘Palestinian localities evacuated and destroyed after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.’ Thus, Israel…

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