Attacking Haaretz is a sure sign of desperation

Don’t feel sorry for the IDF. The world now knows exactly what they did in Gaza. Trying to blame Haaretz is a comical attempt to deflect responsibility for war crimes. It won’t work internationally: IDF reservists have asked Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz to launch a criminal investigation against Haaretz for publishing “testimonies” by soldiers of alleged…

Talking is easy but action is far harder

Yoel Marcus in Haaretz thinks the new Israeli government has a problem on its hands: These days, when Obama has a majority in Congress and the world’s eyes are on him, we cannot pressure him using our power hubs in Washington. The Jewish lobby has lost much of its strength in the current administration. And…

Expose, expose, expose

Australian-born Zionist spokesman, Isi Leibler, now living in Israel, wrote recently in The Jerusalem Post about the revelations of IDF abuse during the Gaza war. He knew who to blame: Few would deny that over the past years Haaretz, notably its English Internet edition – has more effectively damaged Israel’s image in the West than…

Being on their own

Zvi Barel of Haaretz on the realpolitik thinking of the Obama administration: Yes, the United States is committed to Israel’s security, but it is not responsible for the quality of life here.

The deformity of Israeli democracy

Haaretz editorialises on the new Israeli government. Failure is guaranteed: Israel’s 32nd government, which was sworn in last night, is destined to fail. In putting this government together, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demonstrated sophisticated political skills and impressive tricks of wheeling and dealing, along with a total lack of vision, courage and practical judgment.…

Time is running out for Israel to adapt

My latest column for New Matilda is about the realities facing the incoming Israeli government: The ground is slowly shifting in international attitudes towards Israeli policies. But the longer Israel delays changing direction, the fewer options it will have, writes Antony Loewenstein As the new Israeli Government under Benyamin Netanyahu begins its tenure, a small…

Is it really only about us?

Israel paid high price for little achievements in Gaza writes a columnist in Haaretz. But what about the Palestinians? The UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) in Gaza, local Palestinian NGOs and mental health professionals are reporting increased incidents of domestic violence and sexual assault against women in Gaza since the beginning of 2009. An…

Our voices are rising

Yesterday ABC Radio National featured the following program: As reconstruction efforts begin in Gaza, we hear from six concerned Jews who are openly critical of Israel and its policies in the region. Their views are controversial, ranging from disquiet over perceived injustices perpetrated in their name, to forthright criticisms of Zionism itself. A number of…

Why times must change

History has a strange way of evolving: The DuMont Media Group in Cologne has become the first newspaper consortium to publish a historical account of its own activities in the Third Reich. The work is a portrait of a dark age for freedom of the press… The Dumont group, whose holdings… include a number of prominent…

Rogue state revealed (again)

The “most moral army in the world” exposed: During Operation Cast Lead, Israeli forces killed Palestinian civilians under permissive rules of engagement and intentionally destroyed their property, say soldiers who fought in the offensive. The soldiers are graduates of the Yitzhak Rabin pre-military preparatory course at Oranim Academic College in Tivon. Some of their statements…

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